Sunday, May 28, 2006

Heard from Rae

I heard from Rae today telling me how she went in the comp in QLD but I'm not going to say anything as I am sure she will post soon.

Slept in today until 9.00am which was just lovely, got up and had some brekky and then did spin at home. Cleaned the bathroom and then hubby and I went out for lunch. I had some brushetta to share and grilled calamari with salad.

Mum and Dad are coming over for dinner and I have just finished baking a cake (not for me of course, but it does smell divine!! It is a coconut and lemon cake I am sure they will like it). I just spoke to my best friend in Melbourne and she has just told me she is pregnant (for the second time) so I am so excited for her, fingers crossed for myself. They will be coming over for a visit hopefully beginning of August just in time for my 30th and we are all thinking of going to Vietnam together in October. If they can't come hubby and I will still go.

Anyway, better go get the cake out of the oven.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

What a great day

Got up nice and early as usual and did my 1 hour of weights and 1 hour cardio. I must admit I do find it hard doing the cardio when I have done my weights and I do dread the Saturday double session but I got through it and feel better for it.

Tomorrow will be a well deserved sleep in. I think the last time I slept in was on my honeymoon over a year ago. As I do spin at home on a Sunday I have decided that I really don't need to be up at the crack of dawn to do it, so I am going to sleep in for as long as I can and then do it when I wake up. Hubby and I are also going out for a nice lunch in Freo tomorrow, healthy of course!! then I have mum and dad coming over for dinner. I am going to cook grilled chicken breast stuffed with prunes and low fat ricotta. Just got to come up with a side dish.

Hubby is working night shift tonight and I am just about to go and cook myself a steak and salad or maybe a salmon/veggie omelette, not sure and then I am going out to a surprise 30th. It won't be a late night as I won't really know many people there and I won't have hubby.

Went shopping today and got really frustrated. I couldn't fit into the size 8 I usually can, I know I must have put on weight and it is really bugging me as I am training well and eating quite well (could be better) but not bad enough to put weight on. My stomach which use to be flat now has a little roll hanging over my pants when I sit down so I'm not happy and it seems the more I worry about it the worst it gets. It has to be my hormones it just has to be!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another day at the office

I do like my job but can't wait until I have my first child and then get into the competing side of things, and also my long term plan is to re-study my PT course so once I have children I can focus on that, after all that is where my passion lies.

Had a giggle yesterday, out comes my chicken and beans and my friend at the office says "eating again are we Sarah" I had to bite my tongue as I was just about to mention all the sausage rolls and party pies they all had at morning tea, whilst I had my usual chicken and beans, no wonder they were full, if only they could see that if I lined all my meals out on a table and lined out everything they ate they would be the ones who consumed more bad fats and calories than me. You think they would be used to the way I eat by now but I guess its just jealously that I can do it day in day out and they can't. Anyway I have come to the conclusion at the moment that I need a break from thinking about food, it is consuming too much of my time and I need to focus on other things, so out of routine today I had things off plan, still healthy and still low fat and I must say I felt very cheerful today. I will monitor myself for a while, I do not want to put on any body fat but I want to feel more free about my food choices, hoping that I actually will have better portion control and less cravings, after all if you think you can have something and its not banned quite often you tend not to focus on it and tend not to eat it. I must stop dribbling. While I am waiting to receive my new program I'm also thinking of doing something different next week and doing a circuit program of some sort, like a whole body workout or maybe a 2 day split just for a week. If anyone has any good circuit programs or 2 day splits please send to me, otherwise I will rack my brain on the weekend and develop my own. I am also thinking of taking 2 days off on the weekend, I really need not just a physical break but a mental break to.

On that note, exercise completed today but I am going to walk on a steep incline for 30mins on the treddie at home, I just feel like doing something productive!!

PS Go Rae, my thoughts are with you for Saturday, and yes the rocky road was delish!! I ate it as soon as I got back to the office, thank god you only gave me a little bit.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Good nights sleep

That is exactly what I had last night. I was still exhausted yesterday from Sunday's workout, didn't help that for some reason I haven't been sleeping well and I have also been waking up with a sore neck everyday so it may be time to re-evaluate the pillow situation. Anyway had really sore ovaries yesterday so I was feeling very tired and grumpy all day. Did cardio in the morning and weights this morning. I ended up coming home and after preparing my meals for the day took 2 panadeine forte (I know shouldn't really be relying on drugs) as I knew they would knock me out and give me a good nights sleep. What happens when you get tired and grumpy, you start doubting yourself and wondering why you train so hard, watch what you eat etc etc, it doesn't help in my situation where I now have the competing bug, but am trying to conceive aswell so I have to put competing to the side so that is when the self doubt comes in 'cause I wonder why I am working so hard to achieve what? Anyway I woke up this morning in much better spirits, especially when I got to work and had an email sitting there from Rae.

I am catching up with Rae tomorrow, probably not for our usual coffee but the lovely Rae has saved me some of her home made Rocky Road so I just have to try it. Went out for a business lunch today (a very long lunch) and had a lovely grilled lemon and rosemary chicken breast on a chargrilled field mushroom and baked ricotta, yummo, haven't had cheese in ages!! Speaking of work I was showing them Rae's photos (hope you don't mind darl) and I told them this is what I will be doing one day, so perhaps now they will understand why I am always eating chicken mince and brocoli and perhaps they will stop making there little comments towards me. It's funny how people stand there in awe of the end product but are quick to criticise all the effort and hard work you put in!!

Gee, I've just realised I've drunk a litre of water while sitting here writing this post, I better slow down otherwise I will be on the loo all night.

A big hi to Meggie and Jeh if you are reading this!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I thought my boobs were going to fall off

Yep! I really worked damn hard in training this morning. My chest was hurting so so much I couldn't feel my boobs and had to look down to make sure they were still there (or at least the little that I do have!!). I was so pumped after going to the comp yesterday, I woke up this morning and did a spin class and then my weights, although I think I trained to hard as I have been very exhausted all day, can't concentrate on a damn thing, had to have an arvo nap and then my body was so achy I could barley get up out of bed. My nutrition hasn't been to bad today but all I can think about is food and I reckon that had something to do with pushing myself so hard today. I had my tuna, veggie omelette for brekkie, missed morning tea, had a very late lunch as we were out and about (usually I would have a salad) but I had a lamb tandori lamb wrap. It actually was very healthy, there wasn't much lamb, but heaps of salad laid on a flat bread and that was my only carb for the day. Was too tired to think about arvo tea so hand a handful of grapes then when I got up still couldn't stop thinking about food so munched on a carrot. Just had dinner, steak and salad but did put chick peas in the salad and cooked the steak in pineapple juice with bits of pineapple and onions and I'm feeling guilty. I feel I have not stuck to plan today and I'm so fired up after seeing Rae, but I'm wondering if I am being to hard on myself, is what I had that bad? Someone needs to kick me in the butt I think!! either that or I need to loosen up a little (yeah right, can't be too loose when you are trying to loose bodyfat). See I'm that exhausted I can't even think straight.

Anyway I'm sore so I'm going to go and sit on the couch for the rest of the night and I'm hoping to go and pick my new program up this week!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

WOW!! Go Rae, you hottie!!

You looked fantastic and I will be very surprised if you don't come first. Your hard work has certainly paid off and you are a credit to yourself because not only do you look fantastic and carry yourself well you have a heart to go with it. There are not a lot of people out there that look great but have the personality to match, so way to go!! I will have to get hubby to download the pics off the camera so I can see them better.

That was my first comp I have been to and I loved it!! It was great to meet both Meggie and Jeh and what lovely girls they are to. I think we were all blown away with the whole thing. It has certainly put things into perspective about training and dieting, and those women who were in the category for their 40's or late 30's were great!! just shows it is never to late to start!! I did feel a bit sad for one of the ladies though because although she had muscle defination I could see she was almost anorexic. She was very very thin and had very knobbly legs so she didn't look very healthy in my opinion, anyway I probably shouldn't be saying such nasty things but I'm not trying to be nasty its just a shame some people go to far.

I'm also very excited that I'm getting to meet more people who are into the same thing as me, it makes for great conversation and I'm just feeling very warm and fuzzy at the moment. I am tempted to go to comp tonight but I think I will go over to mum's and take my steak and salad and then come home and sit in the bath while I read my oxygen mag and gather my thoughts about the great day I have had. I got up and did spin this morning at home, didn't manage to get to the gym to do my usual weights workout as I had to be at the comp early so tomorrow will be my double session (cardio and weights), and not to mention I will be checking blog land later waiting in anticipation to find out how Rae went.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Updated program

Training and eating on track. Still waiting for an updated program. Really need one as boredom is starting to set in and I need to keep progressing. I am thinking I will have to try and design one myself soon!

Had a busy day at work today, fell asleep on the bus on the way to work and coming home, that is so not like me, I am thinking my body is still catching up from my Sydney trip last week, although I partied hard I still kept the training up and I think the body is hating me for it. My boss told me he is so impressed that I train no matter what. He knew we didn't get to bed until 4.00am as he was one of the culprits with me, but he was really impressed that I still got up and powerwalked for an hour even though I was lacking, sleep and severley hung over. Hey, I wrecked my body totally for going out so the least I could do was to stick with training. Besides, I feel totally crap if I don't get my daily fix of training. I wish I could be like some of you guys and train twice a day, but after the morning session, work, cooking tea etc I am just too tired. I know what I need, I think I really need to sign back up with coach so he can give me a good arse whipping!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bloated yet again

Training and eating on track but this bloating is really getting me down. I feel so huge and frumpy and it just makes me feel like giving up. You can't see any muscle definition at all with this bloating and it makes me feel like I am going backward. I will just plod again I guess. It's been 3 days now and my stomach just feels stretched.

Anway won't winge anymore, this was just a quick post. I may just go and have a protein shake, something cool and soothing for my system. I will be in a better frame of mind once comp is here on Saturday. I wonder if there is anything I can take for bloating!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

My 1st Wedding Anniversary

Today is my first wedding anniversary. I got up and did my spin class at home then cooked my tuna and veggie omelette. We went out for a picnic lunch - salmon salad for me and I made my husband some ham and cheese rolls. We had the family come over later in the arvo for coffee and cake - the top part of our wedding cake from last year and I made a guilt free baked cheesecake. I don't usually eat cakes and all that, but I did try a slither of the cheesecake and of course had a slice of my wedding cake. Tonight we are going out to the Red Herring where we got married for dinner so I am really looking forward to that. Apart from that the diet has been spot on since I got back from Sydney on Wednesday and after tonight will be great for the rest of the week. All my meals are done and packed for tomorrow. Tonight will definatley be my cheat night, or perhaps I should say my cheat day! I know I will be sticking to my diet as after that little party in Sydney I am so over not eating right. Training has been spot on to. The only thing I have had to battle with this weekend is my severe bloating. I know this has something to do with my hormones and the fact I need to go to the fertility clinic, but it just gives me the Sh***ts as it makes me feel fat and frumpy.

Anyway, looking forward to a new week and can't wait until comp next weekend. Rae is looking fantastic!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm bad I'm bad I know it....

Sydney trip - the good news, hit the gym each day no matter what, the bad news - I have not partied for such a long time and Monday boy did I party. Too much food and too much drink and not enough sleep. Bare in mind we are on a working trip - had dinner at this pizza/pasta place, went to the minus 5 bar which is completely made of ice - more cocktails then whilst trying to get back to the hotel stopped in several bars for even more drinks, oh not to mention the 3.30am pizza room service. I have not eaten this sort of food in years and bloody hell I did it all in one night. So I went to bed at 4.00am and unbelievably up at 6.15am for a powerwalk. Let's just say I suffered for the rest of the day and had hardly had anything to eat. That will teach me. There is nothing I can do about it now but to get back on track with my healthy eating and training. I won't be looking buff though when we go and watch Rae at the comp.

Whilst I was on this work conference we had a fantastic guest speaker. I can't remember his name now but he has won several gold medals in the olympics plus silver. He is oly 34 but he has been retired now for 6 years, he was a gymnast. Anyway, he gave this really empowering speech about goals and how to get there etc etc. It really opened my eyes up and I wish all you guys could have been there to here this speech. He had me totally absorbed in him for the whole hour (not to mention he looked hot to!:)

I made an appointment at the fertility clinic but they can't get me in until the end of July. So for the meantime I will just keep on focussing on me, after all its all about me! eat well, train hard and hopefully look great by then. I'm just waiting for an updated program so will keep using my old one until I get there. I trained this morning and was going to do some cardio tonight (extra exercise) but I am totally wrecked. Need a bath and an early night to get back to my old buzzing self.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Can anyone please help me attache a picture to my profile?

F*** Wit!!

Had a F*** wit at the gym today. Sorry about the language but it really bugs me when blokes come up to you questioning the exercise you are doing. The current program I am following requires me to leg extensions supersetted with situps then my next exercise is squats followed by various back exercises. Anyway this bloke stopped me towards the end of my workout and proceeded to tell me I should have done my squats at the end of my workout not at the beginning blah blah blah. I nearly told him where to go, in fact I was quite rude, what does he know about me and what does he know what I'm trying to achieve!!

Anyway, this week has been stuffed. Thursday no workout at all due to this flu. Woke up better Friday and thought I would go to the gym for weights. Had a great workout but it went downhill from then. I went to work and ended up coming home at lunch time with a fever. I probably shouldn't have gone to the gym I ended up being really ill, the sweat was just pouring off me and I could hardly move. I ended up having a hot toddy (brandy, honey and hot water) and going to bed. Woke up Saturday feeling better but still didn't go to the gym as I didn't want a repeat performance. Got up this morning feeling sooooooo much better and went and did a spin class and weights workout. Next week will be another story as I am in Sydney as of tomorrow morning until late Wednesday night. I will take my gym gear but if all else fails I WILL powerwalk every day so at least it is something, it's just not sticking to my usual plan that's all. The down side is I am going to miss reading everyone's blogs until later in the week!!!

Plan for today: hubby is working, workouts all done, just about to cook myself a tuna, veggie and egg white omelette then will probably go and see my brother and his kids for a while, pop in and see mum, come back and cook up some chicken mince, veggies and pasta sauce so at least there is something in the freezer when I get back from Sydney, then tea (fish and salad) and I want to watch the logies. Early night for me as I have to get up at 4.00am to go the the airport.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

No training for me today

Nope, took another day off work with this damn cold/flu. I had intended to go tonight if I felt better but I'm not going to push it otherwise I could be out for longer. The good news is I will go back to work tomorrow and the gym so as I did go yesterday I will use today as my rest day, do weights tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday and also double up with cardio on Saturday and Sunday and then I wouldn't have missed a training session. I just feel guilty for laying on my backside for 2 days. Nutrition had been fine, although I have been craving something sweet probably because I can't taste anything so I have been having some diet lemonade. Could have been worse, could be sitting here eating chocolate but no way hosay.

I'm off to Sydney with our team at work on Monday morning, a 5.50am flight so no way can I get training in. I plan still on training whilst away but it won't be weights so it will just be powerwalking or I will suggest to the others a training session conducted by me in the park. Will have to see how I go. Food with not be to plan, but as I am not a junk food type of person, it will still be healthy. My problem is the hotel breakfast all you can eat, while most people go the whole hog I tend to binge on the fruit especially prunes!! So next week I am going to take a week of weights and just focus on a week of cardio and get back into weight training the following week. We don't get back until late Wednesday night and I won't be able to fit in 4 days of weight training.

I made a lovely chicken dish today using the slow cooker and it was so easy. Basically I just chucked in the chicken breasts with zucchini, carrots, mushrooms, capsicum, a tin of tomatoes, water and veggie stock, some chilli paste and masterfoods honey and soy sauce and just let it cook for 5 hours. Yummo, the breast just falls to bits when you eat it. Hubby had it with 2 white rolls but I'm going to have it just as is with a nice huge side salad.

God!! I am soooooo looking forward to going and see Rae in the comp and meeting Jehanne and Meggie I just can't wait. The best bit is I am going to be in a place with like minded people.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

AH lost my post!

I spent ages writing a post yesterday and just as I was about to publish it we had a huge powercut. Buggar!! Anyway I did what I said I was going to do the other night even though I was tired I went for a 30min powerwalk on the treddie. This was 'extra' exercise. I now know why I was tired, I have come down with a bad/cold flu. I did train yesterday even though I dragged my sorry arse to the gym but the funny thing was even though I felt shite I went up in all my weights in all my exercises. Go figure. I woke up this morning with the sore throat no energy thing happening and did spin, but unfortunatley I went down hill from there. They send me home from work so I have been on the coach all day and ended up having sushi for dinner which is not on plan but you get that. I won't be getting up for the gym tomorrow but I am hoping if I feel better to hit the weights tomorrow night instead.

On another note, and to cut a long story short, for the past year I have been trying to get pregnant but have not been having my periods. This is why I am so up in the air with my goals as I would love to get leaner and compete but hey you can't do two things at once. I think that is why I get so negative sometimes about sticking to a plan and training so hard just to maintain when I really want more. I suppose it will have to wait until after I have babies. Anyway I went for a scan and without going into details I now have to be referred to a fertility clinic. So I'm feeling rather upset at the moment. They will have to give me drugs and the side effects can make you quite sick, but it is something I have to do. Alot of this apparently has to do with the hypothalamus which controls most glands in the body and all the hormones. Effects of it not working properly include severe bloating (hello), depression, emotional, not feeling satisfied with food and always being hungry (I'm surprised I have been able to stick to my plan most of the time), being sick all the time, the list goes on and on. I have a feeling this is probably why I am not leaning out even though I am training damn hard and do stick to my plan 97% of the time. So until I go back to the doc on Saturday (she will explain it more) I don't know what I am up for. All I do know is that this will have to be my main focus for the time being and I am going to have to learn that if I can't make it to the gym or am not feeling up to it to stop being a matyr as this is more important. Don't get me wrong I will still train and eat well, but instead of my whole existence revolving around training and eating I need to set a priority elsewhere.

Hey, I do still intend of being a buff mummy! just watch me:)


Monday, May 01, 2006


hmmm, feeling very tired and fed up today, on the bright side nutrition and training spot on today.

Met Rae for coffee which brightened up my day!!:) I may do a little powerwalk on the treddie tonight, other than that will go to bed early. Over to mum's for dinner tomorrow night, salad and salmon is probably on the menu.