Saturday, May 20, 2006

WOW!! Go Rae, you hottie!!

You looked fantastic and I will be very surprised if you don't come first. Your hard work has certainly paid off and you are a credit to yourself because not only do you look fantastic and carry yourself well you have a heart to go with it. There are not a lot of people out there that look great but have the personality to match, so way to go!! I will have to get hubby to download the pics off the camera so I can see them better.

That was my first comp I have been to and I loved it!! It was great to meet both Meggie and Jeh and what lovely girls they are to. I think we were all blown away with the whole thing. It has certainly put things into perspective about training and dieting, and those women who were in the category for their 40's or late 30's were great!! just shows it is never to late to start!! I did feel a bit sad for one of the ladies though because although she had muscle defination I could see she was almost anorexic. She was very very thin and had very knobbly legs so she didn't look very healthy in my opinion, anyway I probably shouldn't be saying such nasty things but I'm not trying to be nasty its just a shame some people go to far.

I'm also very excited that I'm getting to meet more people who are into the same thing as me, it makes for great conversation and I'm just feeling very warm and fuzzy at the moment. I am tempted to go to comp tonight but I think I will go over to mum's and take my steak and salad and then come home and sit in the bath while I read my oxygen mag and gather my thoughts about the great day I have had. I got up and did spin this morning at home, didn't manage to get to the gym to do my usual weights workout as I had to be at the comp early so tomorrow will be my double session (cardio and weights), and not to mention I will be checking blog land later waiting in anticipation to find out how Rae went.



At 2:27 AM, Blogger MeEgZZZ said...

Awsome to meet u today!!! :)
hehe oxygen mag hehe :)
cant wait for tonight !!! YAY she just looked so stunning huh!!!
yeah i agree about the skinny girl... too skinny i think!!!
well ill message u tonight
have a good 1 :)

At 3:14 AM, Blogger Jehanne said...

Hey ya! Great to meet you the other day. Sorry I didnt get more time to chat, really wanted to stay till the end, but it was mums bday and we had to get going after Rae's bit! Hopefully again soon!


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