Saturday, May 27, 2006

What a great day

Got up nice and early as usual and did my 1 hour of weights and 1 hour cardio. I must admit I do find it hard doing the cardio when I have done my weights and I do dread the Saturday double session but I got through it and feel better for it.

Tomorrow will be a well deserved sleep in. I think the last time I slept in was on my honeymoon over a year ago. As I do spin at home on a Sunday I have decided that I really don't need to be up at the crack of dawn to do it, so I am going to sleep in for as long as I can and then do it when I wake up. Hubby and I are also going out for a nice lunch in Freo tomorrow, healthy of course!! then I have mum and dad coming over for dinner. I am going to cook grilled chicken breast stuffed with prunes and low fat ricotta. Just got to come up with a side dish.

Hubby is working night shift tonight and I am just about to go and cook myself a steak and salad or maybe a salmon/veggie omelette, not sure and then I am going out to a surprise 30th. It won't be a late night as I won't really know many people there and I won't have hubby.

Went shopping today and got really frustrated. I couldn't fit into the size 8 I usually can, I know I must have put on weight and it is really bugging me as I am training well and eating quite well (could be better) but not bad enough to put weight on. My stomach which use to be flat now has a little roll hanging over my pants when I sit down so I'm not happy and it seems the more I worry about it the worst it gets. It has to be my hormones it just has to be!!


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