Thursday, May 04, 2006

No training for me today

Nope, took another day off work with this damn cold/flu. I had intended to go tonight if I felt better but I'm not going to push it otherwise I could be out for longer. The good news is I will go back to work tomorrow and the gym so as I did go yesterday I will use today as my rest day, do weights tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday and also double up with cardio on Saturday and Sunday and then I wouldn't have missed a training session. I just feel guilty for laying on my backside for 2 days. Nutrition had been fine, although I have been craving something sweet probably because I can't taste anything so I have been having some diet lemonade. Could have been worse, could be sitting here eating chocolate but no way hosay.

I'm off to Sydney with our team at work on Monday morning, a 5.50am flight so no way can I get training in. I plan still on training whilst away but it won't be weights so it will just be powerwalking or I will suggest to the others a training session conducted by me in the park. Will have to see how I go. Food with not be to plan, but as I am not a junk food type of person, it will still be healthy. My problem is the hotel breakfast all you can eat, while most people go the whole hog I tend to binge on the fruit especially prunes!! So next week I am going to take a week of weights and just focus on a week of cardio and get back into weight training the following week. We don't get back until late Wednesday night and I won't be able to fit in 4 days of weight training.

I made a lovely chicken dish today using the slow cooker and it was so easy. Basically I just chucked in the chicken breasts with zucchini, carrots, mushrooms, capsicum, a tin of tomatoes, water and veggie stock, some chilli paste and masterfoods honey and soy sauce and just let it cook for 5 hours. Yummo, the breast just falls to bits when you eat it. Hubby had it with 2 white rolls but I'm going to have it just as is with a nice huge side salad.

God!! I am soooooo looking forward to going and see Rae in the comp and meeting Jehanne and Meggie I just can't wait. The best bit is I am going to be in a place with like minded people.


At 4:29 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

Ooooh... I'm getting excited about having you there!!

Like I said in my email, you shouldn't be too down in the dumps about your health as this sounds like something that can be fixed.

I am here for you sweetie, so if you need to catch up for coffee and chat about it, just let me know!!

Love Rae xxx

At 7:51 PM, Blogger MeEgZZZ said...

shame about the cold, hope your feeling better soon!!!
sounds like you have a busy weekend!!! yum that chicken dish sounds so yumm!!!
i soooo cant wait till the 20th either!!!! woohoo!!!

At 12:54 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

I hope you're feeling better hon? Get some rest, you've had a big week!! xxx


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