Saturday, May 06, 2006

F*** Wit!!

Had a F*** wit at the gym today. Sorry about the language but it really bugs me when blokes come up to you questioning the exercise you are doing. The current program I am following requires me to leg extensions supersetted with situps then my next exercise is squats followed by various back exercises. Anyway this bloke stopped me towards the end of my workout and proceeded to tell me I should have done my squats at the end of my workout not at the beginning blah blah blah. I nearly told him where to go, in fact I was quite rude, what does he know about me and what does he know what I'm trying to achieve!!

Anyway, this week has been stuffed. Thursday no workout at all due to this flu. Woke up better Friday and thought I would go to the gym for weights. Had a great workout but it went downhill from then. I went to work and ended up coming home at lunch time with a fever. I probably shouldn't have gone to the gym I ended up being really ill, the sweat was just pouring off me and I could hardly move. I ended up having a hot toddy (brandy, honey and hot water) and going to bed. Woke up Saturday feeling better but still didn't go to the gym as I didn't want a repeat performance. Got up this morning feeling sooooooo much better and went and did a spin class and weights workout. Next week will be another story as I am in Sydney as of tomorrow morning until late Wednesday night. I will take my gym gear but if all else fails I WILL powerwalk every day so at least it is something, it's just not sticking to my usual plan that's all. The down side is I am going to miss reading everyone's blogs until later in the week!!!

Plan for today: hubby is working, workouts all done, just about to cook myself a tuna, veggie and egg white omelette then will probably go and see my brother and his kids for a while, pop in and see mum, come back and cook up some chicken mince, veggies and pasta sauce so at least there is something in the freezer when I get back from Sydney, then tea (fish and salad) and I want to watch the logies. Early night for me as I have to get up at 4.00am to go the the airport.


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