Sunday, May 28, 2006

Heard from Rae

I heard from Rae today telling me how she went in the comp in QLD but I'm not going to say anything as I am sure she will post soon.

Slept in today until 9.00am which was just lovely, got up and had some brekky and then did spin at home. Cleaned the bathroom and then hubby and I went out for lunch. I had some brushetta to share and grilled calamari with salad.

Mum and Dad are coming over for dinner and I have just finished baking a cake (not for me of course, but it does smell divine!! It is a coconut and lemon cake I am sure they will like it). I just spoke to my best friend in Melbourne and she has just told me she is pregnant (for the second time) so I am so excited for her, fingers crossed for myself. They will be coming over for a visit hopefully beginning of August just in time for my 30th and we are all thinking of going to Vietnam together in October. If they can't come hubby and I will still go.

Anyway, better go get the cake out of the oven.


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