Saturday, May 06, 2006


Can anyone please help me attache a picture to my profile?


At 12:31 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

Sarah hon,

Go to the link:
which will tell you how to add a photo!!

I had to laugh at the guy who came up to you at the gym... everyone is a qualified "know-it-all" aren't they??? If they really knew as much as they thought they did they would know there are different ways of doing things and just because they do it a certain way doesn't mean everyone else has to follow suit. Without any background on your goals, they really shouldn't comment!!

Glad to see you are up and at 'em and back at the gym!! Might be able to catch up with you by the end of the week if you're up to it, but we'll see how you're feeling after your trip. Have a great time away... don't work too hard!! xxx

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Jehanne said...

Hey, I hate it when every man and his dog has to give you advice, so many people have been telling me to do things so many different ways. It gets so frustrating especially when you start to question yourself like I have been lately. So for now, I just stick to whatever Bev, my trainer tells me.... lol
Hope that you get rid of this nasty bug! Thinking of you!


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