Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yep, Bailey is really keeping me sleep deprived.  It can only get better though I keep reminding myself that!!  He did sleep through only getting up once last night but I'm not surprised as the poor thing is constipated so the night before he was up all night and all day yesterday.  I hate seeing him in pain.  We have changed his formula and are giving him drops for consitpation.  No change yet, will try some prune juice later and see how that goes.  I am hoping for a change some time today or tomorrow.

On top of that I am really sick.  Came down with this cold/flu thing and can't stop coughing.  Had it for a week now and went to the doc's yesterday for some antibiotics.  I think the lack of sleep and what is going on with mum has caused this.

Well one more week off and then back to the gym for me.  It is going to be so hard to get into a routine until Bailey gets into some sort of routine but I am just going to have to be flexible about the whole thing, its just hard to think of training in the evening when you are so darn tired from just a couple of hours sleep each night, but I think getting back to the gym will do me good.  I have 9 kilos to loose.  I also need to find a trainer or online trainer before next Monday to really get my arse into gear.

Got a makeup job today and have to take Bailey as originally mum was going to look after him but she is in hospital so I just hope he sleeps the whole time.  Fingers crossed.


At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like everything else in life you just have to go through the trial and error process to find what's going to suit your new routine. You will get there, just don't let the little things get the better of you Sarah. :o) xxx

At 1:42 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

Oh honey, I feel for you as your exhaustion just comes right through your post.

I hope little Bailey gets into a routine soon. Don't put too much pressure on yourself about getting back to the gym, even though I know how much you love training. Just do the best you can do depending on what is going on in your day.

I hope your Mum is well honey. Been thinking about you and her lots xxx


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