Thursday, January 04, 2007


Yep, I've been tagged by Em so let's see how a go......

I can't believe I have been up since 4am and also had brekky so this will give me something to do before I head off to the gym and then come home and try to get some sleep.....

A - Available or single? Neither, married.
B - Best friend? Rachael, she lives in Melbourne though and I live in Perth.
C - Cake or Pie? Neither (boring I know!)
D - Drink of choice? Water, although something about me being preggie makes we want to drink diet lemonade and white choc frappes.
E - Essential item? My mobile phone, feel naked without it.
F - Favourite colour? Red
G - Gummi bears or worms? Definately worms!
H - Hometown? Perth
I - Indulgence? A nice glass of crisp white wine. AHHHHH
J - January or February? February as that is when bubs is due!!
K - Kids and names? No kids, one on the way, Jay for a boy or Maddison for a girl
L - Life is incomplete without? Exercise, have to have my daily fix, it rocks the world!
M - Marriage date? May 15th 2005
N - Number of siblings? 3, 1 younger sister and 2 older brothers
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples, can't be bothered with the mess of oranges
P - Phobias/Fears? Fear of getting fat if I don't train or eat wrong and also insects. Yuk!
Q - Favourite Quote? Need to find one
R - Reason to Smile? Being alive and healthy
S - Season? Definately summer, I can't stand the cold!
T - Tag 3 people? Rachael, Louisa and Tracey (3 of my friends who don't blog)
U - Unknown fact about me? Used to be a size 14 when I was about 16 and before I discovered fitness
V - Vegetable you hate? I actually don't have one!
W - Worst habit? Opening my mouth before I think
X - X-rays you've had? Arm, foot and a whole body one after I had my car accident
Y - Your favourite food? Oats and cottage cheese (how sad is that!)
Z - Zodiac? Leo!!

Yeah, half hour to go until the gym opens. I can't wait to have bubs so at least when I do go to bed I can get comfortable, this is driving me crazy!!


At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What.....there are people who don't blog in this world! Are you kidding me? LOL!! Nah only kidding Sarah. :o)

Not long to go now sweetheart and maybe, just maybe you'll be able to squeeze in a power nap and actually be comfortable. :o)

Enjoy your weekend!

Lia xx

At 3:25 AM, Blogger Em said...

Sleep is so over rated hun same with comfort LOL
Once baby is born sleep and comfort will return :)i just hope that your a better morning person than me hehe i am a mess wihtout proper sleep LOL
We are both looking forward to february :)
Have a great weekend hun.


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