Thursday, October 19, 2006

I have been so sick...........

OMG, Tuesday night came down with a cold and throat infection. I have not been to work for 3 days. Being pregnant there is not much you can do about it and it just got worse and worse. I was in tears and trying to do everything to relieve my poor throat, I think I was ready to chop my head off. Hubby had a mild case of it to, but nothing like me at least he could take nuofren. I haven't been able to sleep and haven't been eating the best either. Baby seems to be 'extra' hungry these past 3 days and my stomach has been constantly hungry. Not to mention the no exercise due to trying to recover and eating icecream in an attempt to soothe this throat. Last night it just came to a peak, I had gargled with salt, eaten stepsils and was at my wits end all night. Finally I gargled on some listerine which tempoarily relieved it and I was able to sleep. It seems this may have helped as I have woken up slightly better, still really sore but not where it was so hopefully it is starting to get better. I am going to go for a walk and again be a couch potato for the rest of the day. Won't be getting back into the gym until Monday next week. My health and baby are far more important.

On another note we are going to buy some paint for the nursery and hopefully paint it on Sunday, then I can start getting items into drawers and hung up instead of being in bags in the corner of the room.


At 9:35 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hope you are feeling better soon hun, Nothing worse than being preggy and sick!!
I have had the same hunger as you my tummy is constantly growling!! Not to mention shocking cravings for fatty foods grrr.
Take it easy and rest up, you will need your energy for those late nights when bubs get really active or you cant get comfy cause your belly is in the way:)

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Kathryn said...

Hope you feel better soon! Take case of yourself.


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