Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm ok..

Thanks Lia, yes I'm fine, just don't know where time is going. As I'm still working I'm just finding that I'm too tired when I get home to do anything. Only 1 more day and then I'm on maternity leave. I must sign up to do my PT course otherwise I can see boredom settling is, that is until of course bubs arrives. As I'm still working I am told to put my feet up when I get home, hence why I'm not doing much. Looking forward to the time off before bubs arrives so I don't have to get up early and go to the gym I can go when I want:)

Yes, I'm still training. I think people at the gym are wondering how long I will be there. I told the receptionist today (she asked me if this was my last day) that I intend going until I go into labour (of course we will have to see!!) will probably have to throw some more swimming into there, and hoping to start doing some yoga to. The heat is really killing me at the moment.

Had another appointment with the midwife last Monday. All is looking good. When she asked me to step on the scales I really wanted to refuse, I can't stand all this weight I am putting on but I suppose I can't do anything about it. The good news and I was very surprised is that I have only put on 1kg in 4 weeks. Hopefully for the remaining 7 weeks I won't put on much. I did seem to put alot of my weight on at the beginning. This brings the total up to 11kgs so far which isn't too bad. However looking forward to getting back into it asap and looking lean and toned again.

I had a wonderful pregnancy massage yesterday, I didn't realise how sore I was, although I have woken up today feeling very bruised and sore. I did sleep well last night after being up since 2am the following morning (I sound like you Lia!) due to pregnancy related issues, but I was up every hour an a half for the toilet. I swear at the moment in our household we are going through 1 toilet paper roll a day (and I'm still at work!!)

Speaking of work just had my oats and cottage cheese and better hit the shower. The countdown is on. Just gotta get through today, then tomorrow they are putting on a morning tea for me, then we are going out for our xmas lunch and then hubby and I are staying at the Novotel for the night. They were doing $50 specials so thought we would treat ourselves. Room service will be the go, then I don't have to worry about work at all. That will be very strange indeed.!!


At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a pregnant lady it sounds to me like you're well and truly on top of things Sarah. :o)

At 5:08 PM, Blogger RaeC said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year hon... I'll see you at your baby shower!!

Thanks so much for all the chats and coffees over this past year. It has kept me sane while dieting down for comps!!

Love Rae xxx


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