Saturday, December 09, 2006

My poor cat

I loved my cat. He had that type of personality that even my non-cat lover friends just loved. The day after I got back from Sydney I had a phone call from my neighbours with some terrible news that my cat had died. Now for anyone that is an animal lover you would understand my devestation at hearing this news. The fact that I'm heavily pregnant doesn't help either. I was so upset I think I cried for days. I still can't get over it now. The house feels empty, the presence is missing. He used to wait on the driveway ever day for me to come home from work and then sit on my lap for cuddles every night. I never got to say good bye. The good news is the neighbours brought him over wrapped in a blanket and my good husband buried him in the backyard.

Enough about that. Went to my antenatal all day workshop yesterday and I gotta say I have gone from feeling very terrified about giving birth to feeling quite happy about the whole thing. I definatley recommend these classes. You hear all sorts of different stories from various people but these things really put it in perspective and if you understand what is happening to your body at each stage it makes it easier. My appetite has gone way through the roof, Im driving myself nuts at the amount of food I want/am eating. Still training at least.

Better go speaking of training it is swimming day today.


At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your loss. I'm exactly the same when it comes to my pets. When I lost my miniature pomeranian I had him cremated so that he could be with me forever. It took me the longest of time to get over so I feel what you're going through at the moment.

Lia xo

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Kathryn said...

Sorry to hear about your cat, that is awful. Losing a pet really is like losing a member of your family ;(

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Em said...

So sorry to hear about your cat hun, nothing worse then losing a beloved pet.

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better about the whole birth thing :) personally i think your better off ignor any story good or bad, no two pregnancies are the same and no two births are the same, all you need to know is that the midwives and doctors know everrything and will walk you through it when your in labor!
You will be in very safe hands darl:)

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You haven't blogged in a little while, hope everything is okay? xo


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