Friday, December 01, 2006

Holy Cow!

I can't believe its been a while since I posted, time is just flying by. Just been away in Sydney for a 2 day conference, glad to be back I was so exhausted, and all the food they put on, I mean it was delicious but I feel bad for eating so much.

I had another scan on Wednesday to check the position of the placenta and all is looking good for a normal labour. Bubs is still slightly larger than average and weighing 1.5kg or just over 3lbs at the moment. This is at 29 weeks (will be 30 weeks on Monday). I also have a sneaky suspicion I may be 2 weeks ahead of where I'm at as my measurements are putting me at 31 weeks (32 Monday) but I will still go on my original plan, the doctor won't change the due dates.

I had some good comments from the people in Sydney saying that I looked great, in fact I have had a lot of comments of that nature from various people so I'm starting to believe it. I still feel fat and frumpy and have heaps of cellulite and can't wait to get back into proper training but at the moment I am still managing to train every day. Not sure how long this will last as it is starting to get really hard, but as soon as it gets too hard I will take all my sessions to the pool! I have had a good pregnancy so far so it just shows the benefits of consistent exercise!!


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