Monday, December 25, 2006


Merry Xmas to all!!:)

We had xmas lunch over at mum's and I must say I didn't indulge too much. Entree consisted of a small piece of salmon with 2 asparagus sticks (of course I had to re-heat mine can't have it cold being pregnant) then main course was turkey, beef and ham (couldn't have the ham and didn't want the beef) with boiled potatoes and 2 different salads. Dessert - well I wasn't going to have any but I had to try mum's trifle which was devine. All in all I can honestly say I didn't overeat as the meal was quite healthy and lite. In the eveing hubby and I then went for a walk along the beach. With the gym being closed it is too hard for me to exercise. I know you are all thinking this is an excuse but I actually want to. The problem is it is just too hot. Even if I got up early in the morning to go for a walk, being preggie its just too hot, so I'm settling for a quick walk in the evenings until the gym opens back up tomorrow. I ended up having fruit salad for dinner last night as I started to get peckish at 9pm and I knew if I didn't have something I would be up in the middle of the night.

Well, 2 days into maternity leave and I am bored, so is hubby. I feel sorry for him as all his best mates are in Melbourne. I want him to make more friends here but he says its not the same. He has grown up with his best mates in Melbourne from the moment he was 2 so I feel really bad and it doesn't help that although he has a full-time permanent job and gets paid a yearly salary he dosen't work very much and is at home all the time. I myself am getting sick of lazing on the couch watching tv, but its not like I can get up and go for a run. If I do too much I end up with stomach and back pains and swollen feet. We are going to go to the movies today, and do some shopping tomorrow, we need to get a xmas tree for next year, some single sheets for the spare room and an outdoor setting so then at least we can invite some people over for bbq's.

I am hoping once bub's is born I can join some mothers groups and make some friends there for both of us. My best friend also is in Melbouren (although she moved there from Perth) and my other girlfriend has a one year old and is just about to have another in 3 weeks time! so she never wants to do anything, so I think we both need to meet some new people.

Anyway better go!!


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Em said...

I reckon you should enjoy lazing around while you can, plus you need to conserve all your enerrgy for the birth :)
After bubs is born you wont know yourself especially if you join mothers groups and make new friends, i know now with jasmine in kinder i have already started to make new friends its great to be around like minded people too so i head to baby gym where there are heaps of mums and toddlers etc we go swimming and do activities with the kids we also put them in daycare and do classes at the gym gosh can't wait to get back into it!!
Not long to go now:)
Happy new year hun.


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