Sunday, January 21, 2007

I thought the baby was coming

Yesterday I had such a bad day. Stomach cramps all day and contraction like pains coming and going every 5 mins all afternoon. I seriously thought this was it, but after a good nights sleep all seems fine today. Hopefully though its not too far away.

Had a good cardio session this morning and went up the shops to get a few things and had a well needed massage. Will post an updated photo of what I look like soon. When I went for the massage the lady looked at me and said gee having a big baby and I just thought god I hope its not to big as I'm getting really anxious about pushing this out.


At 10:12 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

OOhh, I think that I understand that anxiety about hoping the baby isn't too big. lol. ;)

At 6:15 PM, Blogger RaeC said...

Oh come on girl... I am DYING for you to have your baby... hurry up and pop it out!! If only it were that easy right???

Only a few more days of being uncomfortable for you I hope. Not long to go nowwwwwww xxx

At 1:21 AM, Blogger Em said...

Hang in there hun, it sux i know cause i had the same thing and even ended up at the hospital lastnight!!
The good news is that all the pain is worth it as its slowly releasing the hormones into the body that bring on real labour :) My cervix has come down and forward so now all that needs to happen is dilation so i dare say you are in the same boat as me:)
They also told me that the longer the prer-labour lasts the shorter and easier the birth so fingers crossed this runs true for the both if us:)
Good luck hun:)


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