Monday, January 08, 2007

Another early morning

Yep up at 4.30am, restless leg syndrome again. Slept well Sunday night only because I was up ALL night on Saturday, just could not sleep. I reckon I will get more sleep at this rate when the baby is born.

Still hanging in there and training each morning, although I must say it is getting really difficult. I must look like an idiot riding the bike, I sort of have to ride it with my legs out to the side and even then my belly still gets in the way and bubs kicks like crazy. Mum reckons this baby is going to be born with muscles the rate I'm going. Today is weights. I got a response from this lady on my pregnancy blog cause I was saying I have put on 12kg so far (none in the past 7 weeks) but I have heaps and heaps of cellulite everywhere which I hate. She told me the same happened to her, she didn't put on heaps of weight but she had all this cellulite. "Apparently" it is your body storing fat for when the baby is born and once this happens it does disappear quite quickly. It had better!! I can only imagine how bad I would look if I didn't train!! and the worst thing is I mostly eat cottage cheese and oats for brekky, tuna and salad for lunch, meat/chicken and salad for dinner and snack on fruit! I don't consider this enough reason for cellulite!! Oh I do have one piece of chocolate every day, but one piece is not like a whole bar, just one measly square!

Enough whingeing better get my skates on to get to the gym, then I think I will try and hit the sack when I get back for a couple of hours before my girlfriend and her baby pop over for a coffee.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Wow, that is so awesome that u r training and eating so well. Oh no, I guess I have some cellulite to look forward to? lol. :)

At 5:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're incredible.....go you good thing! Now that's commitment to health and fitness Sarah. :o)

At 8:47 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Hi Sarah,
I was wondering if u could give examples of ur weight training regimen, incl. sets and reps. I am still investigating this arena, and would love to be able to still train as you are. Hope u r feeling well.

At 3:19 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

LOL... Why am I not surprised you are still training this far along. At this rate your waters will probably burst while you are on the exercise bike... LMAO!! I can actually picture this by the way ;o)

Hope you can get into town hon, otherwise I might have to call over to visit you either one weekend soon before or after bubs (once you are all settled at home that is!!)

I hope you are well xxx


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