Sunday, January 28, 2007

I need my body back..

I am so frustrated I just need my body back. I'm sick and tired of the pains, cramps, swollen feet etc etc the list just goes on and on.........................................................I shouldn't whinge as I know the best thing in my life is happening to me but its tough.

On a brighter note I completely cleaned out my wardrobe and have 2 large bin bags for the salvos. The plan is once I have bubs and loose all my weight I will be hitting the shops for some funky shoes and updated clothes. I am quietly confident it won't take me too long to get my bod back but then again I could be wrong. I have put on 13kgs with this pregnancy and I'm hoping alot of it is fluid, I know I am holding some as when you press my skin it leaves an indentation. As soon as I can I will be back at the gym. Still training every day, even with this heat at least I can swim!!:)


At 3:02 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Hey Sarah,
I'm sure u will get ur body back in no time. How wonderful that u r still getting ur work-outs in!

At 3:50 PM, Blogger sarahz said...

Hi Susan
True, I know I'm doing more than most people but its just frustrating when you think this is it the baby's coming and then its all a tease. Anyway not long know. How are you going?

At 5:13 AM, Blogger Em said...

Hi sarah,
Its bloody tough and i reckon you have more than earned the right to whinge!!! I'll join you on the whinge its hard putting up with all these pains when you know they are not actually getting you anywhere!!! Especailly when you go to the hospital sure it's the REAL thing to then be turned around and told its nothing grrr.
But when bubs does pop out you will be able to get back into a normal lifestyle, just remember we choose to have children so they have to fit in where we want them too remember this and you will go far as a first time mum :)


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