Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thursday already...

Been to the docs to confirm pregnancy. It was so funny when she asked me when my last period was and I said over a year ago, so I have to go for an ultrasound on June 19th so they can determine how far along I am. I am predicting at this stage 5 or 6 weeks but who knows.

Training has been ok. Still going every morning but completely backed off on doing heavy weights, so just sticking to light weights with higher reps. Also not pushing myself too much in cardio just light stuff but at least I am still doing it.

Does anyone know if it is safe to do abs while pregnant?


At 4:41 AM, Blogger Jehanne said...

The comp is at the Embassy Ballroom, wherever that is... I am getting Bev to get my tickets for me, so I am not sure where to get them from, sorry, I am not that much help.

At 3:26 AM, Blogger LizN said...

Hi Sarah
You can buy Spinervals through Ebay ;) - much cheaper to buy in American dollars by the way.

Your abs question - avoid all lying ab work after 15-16 weeks. Crunches are a poor choice as they exacerbate diastasis. If you need any more help let me know - I moderate on exercise/preg forum and have trained through both of my pregnancies :)

Liz N


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