Sunday, June 18, 2006

Morning Sickness

Had morning sickness all day today, started at 12.30am this morning. I guess I can't complain too much at least I'm not having it every day (touch wood). I seem to go a few days feeling ok and then I get a bad day. Still did my spin this morning. Hubby has set up our mini gym in the shed which is great for those days you feel like sleeping in a little or just want some time to yourself instead of going to the gym. Sticking to my 3 weights and 5 days of cardio but just taking it light.

Food has been quite good, just trying to eat a very balanced diet at the moment, my favourite brekky at the moment is 2 pieces of fruit toast with scrambled egg white. I actually find if I eat this is keeps me quite full for a long time, more full than if I eat oats believe it or not. Going through that in between stage, and its only because I had a small waist to begin with but can't fit into most of my pants at the moment and its not because I'm necessarily showing but my waist has definatley increased. Now the dilemma is do I buy some pants the next size up or just buy maternity ones. Who knows.

I am so looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day I find out how far I am, and also to make sure everything is going ok, at least tomorrow I will know one way or the other. Both my best friends are pregnant to, one lives in Melbourne so I don't get to see her much but the other lives here. I swear miracles do happen. She was on IVF for a couple of years before having her child last November, her tubes are blocked, and she was going to go back soon to have another but bravo, she is pregnant all on her own. Just goes to show you can't believe 100% what the doctors say. This same girl had her ultrasound and they told her there was no heart beat and she would miscarry on the weekend. 3 days later on her next ultrasound there was a heartbeat, it was just too early to pick up 3 days prior. How would you feel being told that. Anyway she told me just to believe in yourself as you are the only person who knows how you feel. She knew within herself everything would be ok.

Anyway better go off to put the quiche in the oven. Haven't had quiche in about 4 years!!!!


At 4:43 AM, Blogger Jehanne said...

Sooo good! I am so happy for you, I guess even the morning sickness is something to be happy about because you have a beautiful little bundle of joy on the way. I am looking forward to catching up with you at the comp next month!


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