Sunday, June 25, 2006

It's 4am!!

And I can't sleep. I have razor blades in my throat and there is nothing I can take for it, this on top of morning sickness is all I need so I am feeling really sorry for myself. Just ate my oats and cottage cheese and I know its really early but I was so hungry. I don't care either. I know this will set me up for eating more today as I know I will be hungry in a few hours time when it is breakfast time, but hopefully I can just have something light like a yoghurt or a piece of fruit. Damn!! I wish I could take something for this throat. I think it is going to be a long week. There is no way I am going to work today, no way. I plan just to lie on the couch all day and maybe if I feel like it later go for a powerwalk. I don't want to push myself though. Actually I think I will go and text my boss now and let him know.

Sorry for the whinge, perhaps later I will be a little bit more positive.


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