Saturday, April 05, 2008

Warning - a grumpy post

I'm feeling really grumpy today.  Everything seems to be getting to me.  I am definitely finding pregnancy harder this time around already having a little one.  Jay has started to chuck tantrums and I'm just so tired and sore I don't want to deal with it.  I'm not eating properly which is also getting me down.  I can't face fruit and veg at the moment and just want to eat carbs so this coupled with the pregnancy is giving me no energy.  I battle to get through the day.  If I don't go to or can't get to I should say the gym in the morning I think I will make up for it when Jay goes to bed, but I'm so damn tired I just can't do it.  I'm also grumpy because my body has already changed.  I'm like 11 weeks pregnant looking 5 months pregnant.  My belly button has already popped out and it never did with Jay.  Give me a few more weeks I know I should start feeling better and will accept my body.  I'm already trying to think of ideas on how and what I will do to loose the weight after and we are talking October!!  With Jay it didn't bother me so much and the weight fell off plus more.  I suppose I just feel that my body got back better than before and now its just gone blah again.  My boobs are also huge and although after my breeding days are over I want implants these boobs make me feel like a cow and they are so sore.

I think what I need is a good massage or a facial or something, or maybe just a sleep in.  I need good food to, I'm just so damn hungry all the time.!!!!

Sorry for the whinge, hubby works most weekends and weekend nights and I think I'm just feeling lonely.....


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hun you have to be kinder to yourself, you cannot expect too much of yourself not with a one year old and another on the way.
Try not to worry so much about weight gain you can fix after bubs is born just look at what you can do now to make yourself feel better, like sleep and pamper yourself too :)
Take it easy hun:)

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Sam D-M said...

Hi Sar,

I am thinking of you :) All i could stomach early on was bread, and I never used to eat bread. But I know how guilty it can make you feel. You are almost at the stage it will pass over and you will want to eat healthy again.

Remember, the reason your belly button has come out so quickly is because you where so lean when you got pregnant! You are an amazing example of regaining your figure post-pregnancy. I am also guilty of working out a diet plan in my first three months for after bub arrived..... no harm in having a plan ;) I think being activly concious of our health and body is a good thing, just dont let it consume you.

So if your body is responding completely different than when you where pregnant with Jay, does that mean you may be having a girl :)!!

Take care,


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