Saturday, February 16, 2008


OOOPS forgot to rotate pic.  The first one is of me and Jay.  The middle one is Jay about 4 weeks ago and the last one is when Jay was first born.  I can't believe how different he looks now.

Went out for Mexican last night and I must say I was quite good.  Had Atlantic grilled Salmon in a tortilla.  Very different.  It was topped with mango and quite healthy.

Just doing my assignment for my makeup course.  I am so excited, I have finally found, apart from fitness something I enjoy doing and something that will become my new career.  I already have some work for some girls going to a school ball in March so I can't wait.  I have also been offered a job as a swim instructor.  Money is crap but hey now I have Jay its more about lifestyle so if I can combine that with my makeup then perfect, although makeup comes first. 

Training still going well although I'm bored, just need fresh ideas if anyone has any please pop them my way or send me an email on

That's about it for now......


At 8:43 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

you look great, Sarah. oh my how Jay has grown. i pray everyday for the my boy to grow healthy and strong since he has such bad acid reflux and problems eating.


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