Thursday, January 10, 2008

Warning - a whinge.....

I have decided I hate my new gym! You may ask why!! Equipment wise its brilliant and I love the spin classes or at least I did. Maybe its because I have depression and I'm finding everything hard at the moment, but when I was at Zest people were so nice, even if you didn't know them. This lady was so rude to me yesterday and I was going to tell her to f*** off but I held my tongue. She was on the lat pulldown which I didn't even know as I didn't see her on it, so I wondered over to use it and she barked out really nastily "i'm on it" from behind me. No "excuse me I'm using it" or "would you like to work in". This is not the first time I've had it either and I don't like working out in an environment like that. She kept giving me evil looks and I'm just wondering if she's jealous that I have lost weight since I've been there and she still looks the same. I'm thinking of seeing if I can get my money back but I doubt it!!!

I have not gone back to work I have extended my maternity leave for another year due to mental health, but the funny thing is I am now ready to return. I need to do something as I'm finding it really full on at home and need that break and adult contact. I want to do a makeup course but it starts in 2 weeks time and mum is sick so she can't look after Jay so I have to wait 6 weeks until the next course but I fear by this time I may be working......

On the training note I have changed things quite alot. My life doesn't revolve around making sure I lift heavy weights anymore plus doing an hour of cardio. I have changed to supersetting, still 4 times a week but only for 30 mins then 30 mins cardio after, so I'm doing no more than an hour. I have even swapped some cardio for an hours powerwalk a couple of times a week just to get me outside in the fresh air. I did legs the other day and focusing more on plyometric moves, well I still have severe doms 4 days later so finding it a bit hard on the cardio front.


At 9:30 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hi darl :)
Sorry about the b@#$ at the gym, I know how you feel cause i had the same sort of experience at the YMCA in my town, it really puts you off going doesn't it?
Well i hope you can sort out getting your money back and another way of getting your training done without interference!
Have a great weekend hun :)

At 2:48 AM, Blogger sarahz said...

Thanks darl, trained at home today and it was great. Hubby even trained with me which was a first. He is not the exercise type:)

At 12:15 AM, Blogger Em said...

Being able to train at home means you can do it anytime, which is handy with the little ones :) But the added bonus is no B@#$! to worry about LOL
I hope that your having a great weekend :)

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Sam D-M said...

Hey Sarah, I know about those pesky machine hogs at the gym, who think they can move between machines and that no-one else can use! Pretty rude though, I still use the machine, then when its there turn stand right next to them and stare at them..LOL

Interesting to see if they give you your money back.



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