Saturday, February 03, 2007


Up again at 4.30am not to mention all the times I am getting up in the night. I always think well at least I can nap during the day but whenever I try the baby seems to be in a position that makes me so uncomfortable I can't.

Yesterday was the first gym session I have missed since being pregnant. I actually thought my waters had broken and was advised by the midwife to go in and get checked as I wasn't sure. I tell you are bodies are strange things, so many different things can happen that make you believe your in labour and your not!! I went in and they seem to think that it is the hind waters that are leaking which apparently they do nothing about. I suppose I just have to keep my eye on it. I seem to be ok now, but am not allowed to swim for the next 2 days, so I have decided once it gets light I will go out for a walk. Don't know how long I will last as it is a bit difficult these days, but other than sex they reckon a brisk long walk or climbing stairs sideways will help bring on labour, I'm willing to try, besides it will be my exercise session for the day as I'm going out for breakfast. Seeing as I have been up since 4.30am and was starving I did have a piece of fruit toast with cottage cheese, there is no way I can hang on until 9.30am with nothing to eat!!


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hun, I am so with you on all these labour symptoms that mean nothing!! they drive you insane if you let them!!
And the interrupted sleep is bad enough let alone having trouble getting to sleep to begin with!!!
But as everyone keeps telling us Not Long To GO!!!
HUH i still feel like a whale LOL

At 12:56 AM, Blogger Em said...

I hope all is well hun :)


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