Sunday, October 01, 2006

I had a craving

After me going on about how I haven't had any pregnancy cravings I had a huge craving for Hungry Jacks (which i don't even like!). I think this could have been due to me undereating yesterday and eating very well. For brekky I had oats with berries, lunch was a zucchini and onion omelette with salad. Arvo tea was some toast with peanut butter and dinner was tuna and salad. I think because I am pregnant that this may not have been enough for bubs and hence the craving. It is so difficult because you want to eat so well but there is this fine line of eating well and what the baby needs................more carbs, and my brain is trained not to eat these (don't worry I have been but I have my days where I don't and then this happens) so instead of rushing out and buying an HJ's meal which I knew I would regret I settled for 1 slice of pizza with my dinner and that did it.

I went for my powerwalk yesterday and I am just eating my brekky of Allbran and prunes before I head to the gym for a cardio session. I had my scan before I left to go on holiday and all is looking good. I know what we are having and am now in the process of trying to get the nursery sorted out. There is so much you need it is unbelievable and it is also strange putting somebody else before me, priorities have definatley changed. Anyway I go to my next hospital appointment next Monday and am intrigued what the doctor will say after my scan results. According to the results my baby is bigger than average which is fantastic because I would worry if it wasn't (must be all the fruit and veg I eat!! not junk!). This is actually quite scary for me, although I have put on weight since being pregnant, I am not a big girl!! The whole birthing thing is just way to scary to think about!!

Best be off to the gym now before I change my mind!!


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hi there darl :)
Look you need to relax hun, bubs and your body knows what to do when the birthing process begins and when it does you will be just fine :)
The only thing i regret when i had my first child was i forgot to yell at my hubby and tell him it was his fault i feel like this LOL
My first labor only lasted 5 hours and i was sleeping through contractions ;) hubby thought that was funny because i was in a deep sleep that i actually snored LOL well a girl has to keep her strength up :)
Cravings throughout pregnancy usually means taht there is something in that food that your body needs, so it could have been something like alittle extra fat or perhaps the sugar or maybe the protein but i wouldn't think that HJ has much real quality protein in it hehe
I hope you that you can relax and enjoy the final stages of pregnancy because it will al be over very soon:)


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