Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Comp - May 20th

Anybody in Perth going to the comp on May 20th. I am going to support Rae however I would love some company. My gorgeous husband isn't really into this sort of thing and I would rather not drag him along otherwise I may have to put up with him wanting to go home, so if anyone is interested let me know otherwise I will just mosey on down all on my lonesome!!

Training has been good got as per previous post did a double session on Monday, cardio and weights, weights again on Tuesday and a spin class this morning. Tomorrow will be weights again, Friday spin at home (have to be at work early for a meeting so can't go to the gym) and Saturday weights. Sunday should be rest day but will probably go to the gym for another bout of cardio, just can't resist and besides it makes me feel great!!

I feel like I am coming down with the dreaded cold again, so cross my fingers I'm not, it just seems like everyone keeps getting it and it is going around in one big circle. I caught up with Rae for a coffee at lunch time which is always good and something I always look forward to although it always goes to fast.



At 7:16 PM, Blogger Jehanne said...

Hey there! Found you through Rae! I am hoping to go to the comp in May and I will be going by myself too, would love to have someone to sit with. If you are interested let me know. I was only really planning on going to the evening session though. Chat soon!

At 8:05 PM, Blogger MeEgZZZ said...

Hey sarah, i found u through rae aswell!!
yeah i will be there and probably on my own to and would love someone to sit with aswell!!! maybe we can all sit together??!!!
talk to you soon :)

At 6:27 PM, Blogger sarahz said...

Hi guys

Sounds good to me. I haven't had chance to find out any details of when it starts but I know I would like to go to the day session as Rae said we would get to see alot more than the evening session. Mayebe we can arrange to meet at a certain point at a certain time!


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