Monday, April 24, 2006

Another day off...........

Work that is. Getting quite use to having the time off. Got up this morning and did my weights training. For some reason I think I have done something to my shoulder, it seems to be quite sore when I train and is also clicking out of its joint, so I went very very light on the shoulder today.

Just thought I would have something different for brekkie this morning, unfortunatley I am one of those people who gets bored with the same thing day in and day out and if I am not careful this can be my downfall, so I made myself some pancakes using oats and egg whites. Yummo!! I did have a slip up last night. I think it is the time of the month and the plan just didn't cut it yesterday. All was going well until after dinner, yep, after dinner I had 2 ferro rochers, some grapes, went to see a movie and came home and had 2 pieces of toast with jam. What is wrong with me? My training is always up to speed but I just can't seem to be consistent with my nutrition plan. I stick to it 95% but then I will pick at grapes or pick at something else, it's like it has to do with my taste buds more than being hungry. Anyway last night I put it down to the time of the month, I was just dying for some carbs!

Not sure what is planned for today, may end up going for a powerwalk on the treddie in addition to the weights I have just done. See what happens.

Jeh, Meggie or anyone else that would like to email me you can contact me on


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Jehanne said...

lol, I had a day like that on sat, I put it down to that time of the month, sometimes it is hard to resist the comfort food!!! I hope you managed to get back on track. I have sent you an email!

At 6:23 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

Like I made fun of you over coffee hon... "Geez... HUGE binge Sarah... NOT!!" As far as eating off-plan goes, you have got to admit that it's pretty restrained!! Don't be so hard on yourself sweetie... I think we think about it too much... we just need to "get on and do"... you'll be fine!! xxx

At 2:30 AM, Blogger sarahz said...

AHHHHHH thanks guys, now I feel much better and all warm and fuzzy:)


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