Friday, April 21, 2006


WOW, what a work out!! and what a great start to the day. I am definatley on fire today. Got up had some chicken, brocoli and brussel sprouts for brekkie (couldn't be bothered cooking my usual egg white and veg omelette) and then headed to the gym for an hour weights and 55mins cardio session and definatley had a great workout. Probably had something to do with the huge chicken ceasar salad I had last night, but I also feel as if something has clicked with me overnight and I have woken up with a better focus and clearer goals and this is mainly to do with my eating not my training as my training is 100%.

I am also really looking forward to going and see Rae in the comp on May 20th so I am hoping I can make some small change in that short time. There will be lot of obstacles this month, I have 2 30ths to go to, my 1st wedding anniversary which I can say now I will not be good, we will be going out for dinner at the same place we had our reception and whilst I will not go completely silly I will not be holding back and will be having a 2 or 3 course meal and some wine. I also have a work dinner next week which is 3 courses, I won't be having dessert or wine so will try and be as good as I can, and I also have a 3-day work conference in Sydney at the beginning of May, so as you can see some good hurdles coming my way, but I will try and make the best and do the best out of these situations I can. I know Sydney will be hard as we are staying in a hotel and our days are planned as well as catered for.

Enough rambling from me, bette go and have a shower and freshen up after the sweaty workout I just had.



At 11:55 PM, Blogger Jehanne said...

Wow, got a bit on this month!
If the morning session is better I would rather go and see that! Will be in touch about it soon, it'd be much better going with someone rather than being a loner, (talking about myself there)!

At 2:16 AM, Blogger Jehanne said...

Just got a msg form Rae and she recommended that I go to the morning session, particular as I want to compete this year in Oct! So count me in as a sitting partner!!!! :)

At 2:41 AM, Blogger MeEgZZZ said...

yay someone to sit with, i'm excited :P cant wait to meet u aswell !!! i can meet you just about any time i think so just let me know when and were!!! anything for a day off work!!! are you just goin to the morning show?? i think im going to go to both, i cant get enough of this stuff atm :) well good on you with your program sounds like ur doing really great!!! talk to u soon :)


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