Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Long weekend here I come

I am so looking forward to this weekend. The gym is closed Friday so I am going to take the opportunity for a long awaited sleep in and just take the day as it comes. I will probably do a spin class at home at some stage or maybe a powerwalk on my treddie, I do also need to do some housework but will take it in my stride. My brother and sister in law are coming over for dinner, not sure what I am going to cook yet.

Still very bloated, I have especially noticed in being after lunch, my fish and salad, who knows. I am reading a book at the moment called the F2 diet. It's very interesting and is based basically around plant foods, fruits and wholegrains, very little meat. The idea being high in fibre to promote good bacteria in your colon. I am seriously thinking about shaking things up a little and giving it a go. I have been on a high protein low carb diet for such a long time and am getting quite sick of eating meat even chicken so will see how I go. I don't want to put on weight and do want to stay lean but I guess at the end of the day nutrition is a big learning curve. It always worries me as my dad has bowel cancel and my grandfather and aunty also passed away from it, so we do need to look after ourselves and eat the most nutritious foods available.

Training is still going well, although I have a bad feeling I am going to miss on a weights workout, simply with the gym being shut on Friday which is my normal weights day. As mentioned I will substitue and at the very least do a cardio session, double up on Saturday which I normally do with a weights and cardio session, but I don't think I can double up on Sunday as I have a brunch to go to and our silly gym doesn't open until 9am. A bit stupid if you ask me. What is wrong with opening at 7am?

We are having a little easter lunch at work tomorrow, thank god someone decided to do something healthy, chicken and salad, got to be happy with that, at least I don't have to make my own lunch for once.

Hope everyone has a great night!
Take care


At 2:08 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

LOL!! Know where you are coming from with not having to take your lunch... now with Mum on a similar diet, all I'll have to take along is a scale to measure out the food... LMAO!!

You can only try the diet and see how you go on it. My Dad died of bowel cancer too, so that's why I try to stay away from as much processed food as possible. I'm still not sick of my chicken & salad or salmon and salad yet. I don't think I could ever get sick of that!!

Happy Easter hon and we should do coffee next week? xxx


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