Thursday, May 08, 2008

I need a jolly good pamper

I just need some time out.  Hubby has been working heaps of shifts and Jay has really taken it out of me.  He has been coughing so much at night for about a month and a half now.  When he went into hospital for 4 days they said there was nothing wrong in respect to his chest and his cough.  After numerous visits to the doc finally his chest x-ray shows up a chest infection and brochilitis.  He is on antibiotics and I hope they  kick in soon.  All this coughing at night is obviously not making him or I sleep well and he has been so cranky now for about 4 days, has a really bad attitude and throws tantrums.  I'm hoping this is to do with not sleeping well and the coughing, not him growing into a little terror.  I just need a day on my own to do well I don't know have a pamper or something.
I know he can't help it but it does get frustrating.

On another note I felt baby move last week for the first time and it seems to be quite early to me but can now feel it moving around everywhere.  With Jay he would move around all day and was quiet at night.  Kind of how he turned out really.  This one seems to be quiet during the day and moves all the time at night.  I hope that doesn't mean its going to be up all night!!  Time is going fast though, can't believe I'm at 16 weeks and its only just clicking in that I'm pregnant.  When we get back from Melbourne we will be able to find out what I'm having.  I can't wait.  Off to Melbourne next Sunday for 2 1/2 weeks!!

I still hate my hair cut!!


At 3:46 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hi Hun :)


With William I felt him from about 15 weeks on wards I think its because second time round you know what to expect :)

Shame about your hair but I am sure once it grows alittle you will be fine :)


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Sam D-M said...

Happy mothers day Sarah!

Hope Jay gets over that infection soon.

I felt Jethro move at 18weeks, but I think I felt him before that, it was just that I didnt know what it felt like. I agree with Em there.



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