Thursday, May 03, 2007

Has it been that long?

It's been far too long since I last post I'd be surprised if anyone is reading it. Anyway I am still here just been really busy. Jay is going well, we have his reflux under control. He has gone from no sleep during the day to having 45-60 mins throughout the day. He will be up for about and hour then down for 45 mins and up for an hour and so on. At least its better than no sleep but he won't sleep anymore than this. Still really good at night. He goes down at about 6pm, wakes about 3.30am for a feed then about 7.30-8.00am. Hubby does the first feed, I do the second and then when he goes back down about 9.30am I head to the gym. All is going well, I have lost 4kgs in 4 weeks and I still have a red wine here and there so I'm pleased with my progress. I personally cannot see the difference but I've had a few people come up to me at the gym and comment and how much weight I've lost. I'm down to 64kg but ideally would like to be 54 kg so I have tightened my nutrition as of today.

We are going to Melbourne for 2½ weeks on June 9th and also moving on May 24th, so busy times ahead. I just don't know where the days are going. Jay will be 12 weeks old on Monday!


At 1:59 AM, Blogger Health Watch Center said...

Hello Sarah,

I am new have a nice blog...well sometimes life gets too busy where its hard to find sometime to something we like to do...its good to know you are getting comments from the people about your weight...keep the good work...

Fitness Health Zone

At 3:11 AM, Blogger sarahz said...

thanks for your comments:)

At 5:24 AM, Blogger Em said...

WOW 4kg is amazing!!
Where are you moving?
There is never a dull moment being a mum, there is always something needig to be done someone to feed a nappy to change washing to wash the list goes on and on for us poor mums!
But you have one it :) You have found the time to care for you and get fit again having a baby takes alot out of your body and now you are giving back and strengthening it you should be very proud of yourself hun :)

At 1:42 AM, Blogger sarahz said...

Thanks Em, it is hard work and there are many days I could just not work out but I am really determined to loose the weight. Thankfully I am not craving anything naughty but I reckon post pregnancy weight is the hardest to get off.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Em said...

Happy mothers day hun :)
So how was your very fist mothers day? Hope you got spoilt rotton!!
The weight is so hard to lose especially when you only have say 10kg to go its a bugger to move but you gained with love :)
I am sure you will be back to pre-baby bod in no time :)

At 10:21 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Happy Mother's Day, Sarah!

At 1:43 AM, Blogger RaeC said...

I always pop in here to see if there's been any updates... boy was I surprised to see one today... LOL!! Goes to show I should get around to visiting blogs more!! Chat soon gorgeous xxx

At 9:20 PM, Blogger sarahz said...

Thanks for all your wishes for mothers day. Hubby had to work but never the less is was good!!!


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