Sunday, March 25, 2007

6 week checkup

Jay and I go for our 6 week checkup today. Once I get the OK I hopefully will be starting a 12 week challenge and what a challenge it will be as I have to work around Jay and hubby's work which will be quite difficult. I can't wait until we move house as I will have my very own gym room and whilst I will have no weights at least I can get cardio done if I can't make it to the gym. I do have a gym room now but it is in the shed and with all the hot weather its just too hot in there to work out, plus its not very friendly too many spiders and what not. I have decided to use part of the baby bonus to help me with my 12 week challenge, I figured that I carried Jay for 9 months and now part of that money can be my reward. The rest is going into an account for Jay.

I was quite surprised, I woke up this morning and my stomach has considerably shrunk. I'm sure once I start ab work it won't take long to get back to normal, none the less I was quite impressed. The main area I put on weight whilst pregnant was my legs and butt, those are my prone areas and always have been even when I was slimmer these areas were still a bit weighty.

Well better go and get all my bottles done before little Jay wakes up:)


At 12:12 AM, Blogger SusanH said...

Hope ur 6 wk check-up went well. 12 week challenge sounds great. How nice that ur stomache is shrinking so quickly. That is great that u will be able to do cardio at home. I am already considering a treadmill to get as it would be easier to do cardio at home with Baby (at least I think). Keep up the good work, Sarah.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger RaeC said...

I hope the checkup went well and I look forward to catching up with you both very soon!!

That's great news on the shrinking tummy hon... you look great already and with all the training you did before and during your pregnancy, it won't take long for you to get back in shape at all... you don't have far to go in my opinion!! xxx


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