Thursday, April 19, 2007

Been a while

It has been a while, I just don't get chance to read anyone's blog anymore let alone update my own. Jay is really quite a happy baby, but he just doesn't sleep at all during the day and then has a funny time in the afternoon because he is so tired he doesn't know what to do with himself and won't go to sleep. It's actually easier to go out then he at least has a little sleep in the pram.

We went swimming today. He loves the pool. It's done at the hospital and you take you baby and sing songs for about 30 mins in the pool then these ladies look after the babies while we have a workout in the pool for an hour. Well, i did my leg workout at the gym this morning, rushed Jay for an ultrasound then did this pool thing. I have been so exhausted all afternoon all I want is a pizza.

I must admit, the challenge is a real challenge. Mostly I can keep up with my workouts if I do them in the morning, and my diet isn't too bad, but my habit is a red wine in the evening. It really is my saviour. I don't get any arvo naps because jay won't sleep and I must admit juggling him and working out is a challenge in itself. I would have loved to go back to my pre pregnancy bod with my muscles and all that but to be honest I think I'm better off just loosing the weight and looking ok than striving to get that competitors look. It's just way too hard at the moment. I miss out meals here and there and just can't keep organised, but that isn't to say I'm not working hard at it. I'm certainly not eating any fatty foods or chocolate or lollies or anything of that nature. I'm just so tired........................................................................


At 12:39 AM, Blogger little rene said...

Gosh you are hard on yourself Sarah! I am sure judging by the photo that you posted of yourself pregnant that you are looking georgous already!

It sounds like you are doing everything right in terms of nutrition and exercise, and all with a baby that doesn't sleep!

You are AMAZING and I am sure that your body will bounce back into shape very quickly. I think with all the exercise you are doing you could afford to treat yourself to a glass of red a couple of times a week :)

Congratulations on being such an amazing role model for new mothers and I hope you get some sleep soon :)

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hi darl, I so hear you on not having time :) But don't worry once you get things under control and jay is feeling better you will be fine :)
I had to change william's formula three times and he is now on a soy based formula due to being lactose and protein intolerant, Its all about trial and error i don't reckon there is a right or wrong way to change formulas just do what works for you.
Good luck with your training, it is very hard squeezing in everything into the day but i am sure where there is a will there is a way :)

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Kie said...

My little girl was born with reflux which we found out after a scan. She was put on Zoton eventually at about 6 months of age she grew out of it, but yes it is tough going. I foud that she liked to be elevated a little bit so I got a wedge for her cot as she used to love to sleep in her pram sitting up, it did help apparently thats common in reflux babies. Take my word for it though it doesnt last forever (-: I hope some of this may help.


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