Sunday, March 04, 2007

3 Weeks today!!

Jay is 3 weeks old today!! God bless his little cotton socks!!

Not much to report really. Been at the gym every morning but as you know just taking it easy, at least my fitness is starting to improve slowly, getting back to it after the week in hospital was like starting from scratch and I know in 3 weeks time when I get given the ok and start to go harder it will be damn hard but I will get there. Everyone is really surprised to see me there, they said to me that when I have the baby there will be no time for gym and I was like no I will make time and I have. It's only an hour out of the day and if I can work around Jay then I will. Now I know hubby has been home from work which makes it easier but I will just have to adjust when he goes back. Lucky for me he works 2 day shifts and 2 night shifts then 4 days off and that is when a ship is in. No ship no work!!

I am thinking after I have my 6 week check up to start doing pilates. It's $90 a month but you can go as much as you want. I will still keep up with my cardio and weights but I think this will benefit my core especially after having a baby. I know a lady who did this after she had her baby and she looks great and she is not into fitness at all. They may even replace my weights sessions for a while.

I need to come up with a new weights program. I am ditching the all over weights I was doing whilst pregnant and want to come up with a new 3 day split as I feel this will help me get back into it, only doing light weights and slowly buliding up to my heavy weights. If anyone has any ideas to help me out you can email me at I do have heaps of programs at home but they are all locked away in my fitness folder and I can't get to them, it will save me the trouble of trying to find the time to sit down and write out my program.

I bought some protein powder today, the Ladybird Women's Whey in Chocolate Fudge. Must say I'm quite impressed!! Now I'm not breastfeeding I can have it!!


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Em said...

Looks like you are getting back into your groove hun:)
Sounds like motherhood is really good for you, keep up the great work hun and enjoy every minute with your little one cause they grow soooo fast!!


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