Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time flies

Geez time is flying past. We have our inlaws over from Melbourne at the moment and trying to keep Jay in a routine. I have stopped breast feeding due to some feeding issues and he is on the bottle and is a much more contented baby. What a difference. Now he feeds and sleeps and that is basically it, so much easier, plus hubby gets up for one feed in the night and I do the other and I can also go to the gym when I want.

I have really taken to motherhood and I love it!! I am not stressing about the 10 kilos I need to loose, my tummy has gone down it needs a little work but people have been saying I don't look like I had a baby 2 weeks ago so I'm happy with that. Like I said I can't do too much until my 6 week check up.

Haven't been to the gym today, my mother-in-law unfortunatley is not well and it is affecting us all. She is severly depressed and hasn't taken her medication but hubby managed to get her to see a doc today so she was able to get some medication so she is slightly better.


At 3:00 PM, Blogger Em said...

Sorry to hear about your mother inlaw, I hope all settles down for you :)
isn't it lovely when the little ones sleep, i put William straight onto the bottle as i had heaps of trouble breast feeding jasmine and it was very stressful hat i decided i didn't want to go through that again and went straight to bottle and it was the best decision i ever made:)
Good luck with your routine building babies love routines just like we love our sleep LOL

At 7:51 PM, Blogger RaeC said...

I hope your Mother-in-Law's medical issues have been sorted out, that would have been stressful on top of having a new baby in the house!!

Awesome to hear you are thriving on motherhood honey... I always knew you would!!

Can't wait to see you and meet little Jay next weekend xxx


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