Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back at the gym

Yes from Monday, 1 week after giving birth I am finally back at the gym. I need it for my sanity and to get out of the house for an hour. Obviously I have to work around Jay but on Sunday night he slept from 9pm to 5am so after an hours feed I put him down and told hubby I was off to the gym. Yesterday he was a complete monster and wouldn't settle all day but I still managed to pop out around 10am for a weights session. Due to my heomarraging and how ill I was last week I'm not supposed to be doing much apart from walking or swimming, but I figured the cardio equipment at the gym is the same thing if I take it easy, and I'm also taking it easy with weights as my body just can't take too much but at least I am doing something every day. It is hard breastfeeding and although I and Jay have taken to it really easy I don't think I will be doing it for long. I need my life back and at the moment I am the only one that can feed him. As he was so unsettled yesterday and had diarrhea he was on the boob every hour so I just couldn't do anything. Poor thing had a stomach upset, but I know when I switch to the bottle at least hubby can feed him!! I won't be doing that for a while I'm going to try and give myself 4 weeks at least and see how I go.

I have quite a bit of weight to shift. My stomach hasn't gone down yet, but I'm not allowed to do ab work until after my 6 week check up but I am doing the core work the physio gave me, its not much but my tummy seems to be slowly shrinking. I only lost 4kg after giving birth which is basically the weight of the baby and the placenta. I have 10kgs to go but its hard to diet when breastfeeding, however I'm not eating badly. I think I will have to wait until he goes onto the bottle and after my 6 week checkup until I can go hard and heavy. My ligaments are still soft after the birth and it is still too easy to damage them as I found out yesterday doing lunges I have slightly pulled something. Anyway at least I'm doing something.

Gym will have to wait now until this afternoon as we are taking Jay into town to the office to show him off so I will try and get in a cardio session this afternoon.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Hi Sarah,
I can understand that u must get back into some activity to keep sane. I'm glad that u r taking it slow though.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Em said...

Just take it slowly hun, you went through a huge thing after giving birth and you need to rest (yes i know it sux!)

I too have joined the gym, it feels fantastic to being something anything just moving feel great so i know how you feel:)

At 9:07 PM, Blogger RaeC said...

You be careful honey. I know how big a part of your life fitness is, but please take it easy and don't try to push too hard too soon. That said, I knew it wouldn't be long before you were back, but one week??? You and Em are just amazing!! xxx

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Em said...

How are you going hun?
How is little Jay going, hopefully he is giving his mummy plenty of time to rest :)


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