Monday, April 02, 2007

It begins today

12 week challenge officially begins today. Let's hope I can stick with it!

Jay has been a pain for the last week. Just screaming all the time, not settling at all during the day (ok at night funny enough), lots of gurgling in his tummy, lots of farting so I'm thinking it must be colic and he is in pain. I changed his formula yesterday to a special colic one so will see how that goes. He had a better day today than he has in a long time but still screamed when trying to be settled for bedtime. I have booked in to see a peditrican so if there is something wrong she will tell me and if not then at least I know. There is either something wrong or he has a very determined bad temper!! I didn't really want to change his formula and don't know if I have done the right thing, but I do know that today he wasn't farting and his stomach seemed alot better.

Really makes it hard to get anything done when he just won't settle in the day!


At 10:18 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Poor little Baby, I hope he feels better soon. Good luck on ur challenge, keep us posted


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