Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I just knew it.........poor little Jay has reflux. No wonder he has been in so much pain. He is now on medication and they said it wouldn't kick in until about day 3, well lets just say he had his first lot last night and slept the whole night, some this morning and he is like a new child. It is so lovely to see him smiling and laughing again and although he still has some pain its like having a new little boy. Today all he has done is smile, eat, play, sleep repeated. It's great. Not since he has been born has he done this.:)

On the training front all is going great guns. The last few days have been hell with me being so tired and dealing with a screaming baby but I have still managed to train. I am supposed to do cardio every day and weights 3 times per week but to be honest I just can't fit it in, 2 sessions on one day, but on a brighter note I do count walking around the shops for 3 hours with the pram as something, so on the days I do weights I always make sure I'm out with the pram even if its just walking around the shops. Incidental cardio I say!! My nutrition is going great. I'm not on a strict diet so its quite managable and enjoyable, but then again to alot of people it would be a strict diet but its what i'm use to and I do have a wine here and there. Its all about lifestyle.

On another note something strange has happened. I can't stand the site of chocolate, it makes me want to vomit, that and fatty takeaway food. Strange, but hey its good. I was at the gym on the bike reading through woman's day and they had a double page article on chocolate and I couldn't even look at it..........


At 6:59 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Darn Girl, No chocolate? lol, I never liked the stuff until college. My mother never liked it so we didn't have it in the house. Glad to hear that Jay is doing better and that u can rest more easily. Sounds like ur challenge is off to a good start, Sarah. :)

At 11:03 PM, Blogger RaeC said...

Great news on feeling ill over the sight of chocolate... now if only I could train myself to feel that way... LOL!!

Your challenge sounds like it is going great... you've got a few more obstacles than most people who do these 12-week challenges on account of Jay being so little, but if anyone can doing it with flying colours it's you!!

Chat soon honey, have a wonderful Easter xxx

At 11:04 PM, Blogger RaeC said...

And the most important thing that I was going to start off with in my comment before I got side-tracked by chocolate making you gag was to say "poor little thing" about Jay's reflux. I bet it's a relief to have it sorted out as to why he was so cranky xxx


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