Sunday, May 20, 2007

Getting ready to move

Yes, we move on Thursday. Mum is looking after Jay for the day while we move, then not long for our trip to Melbourne. We just heard last night my mother-in-law is in hospital after taking another pill overdose and she is in a coma so I'm not sure what is going on. We thought she was better after coming to Perth and being unwell she spent a month in a clinic and was fine but looks like that is not the case. Depending on what happens over the next few days we may bring the trip forward and make a mercy dash over there. Timing is not good and it makes it all so much harder with a baby but that is what happens.

Weight wise, I have only lost 1kg since I last blogged. I have been training hard and eating very well but according to Josh its all the post pregnancy hormones that is hindering it, and I shouldn't focus on the weight just on my appearance and I must say I can say a bit of a change. I suppose I was hoping that my 12 week challenge would completely change the way I look, but so soon after pregnancy this is not the case. Some women are very lucky and it just falls off, me I have to work damn hard and I tell you I just feel like giving up cause it is hard. Some days I take Jay to the gym creche just so I can fit my workouts in. I have my days when I am so tired that I struggle so much with my workout which makes it extra hard. I have decided to stop worrying about my weight and just to focus on doing something each day and eating very healthy and then the body will come.

I still haven't got around to studying for my PT, as mentioned in my previou posts Jay doesn't sleep much during the day so its impossible and then by the time the evening comes it is my time to relax before bed after the rush of bathing and feeding Jay, cooking dinner and cleaning up.


At 7:01 PM, Blogger Em said...

Just you wait darl when jay gets alittle older you will then be able to form a routine that fits in everything you want to do :)

At 4:20 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Oh, that is a cute pic. I'm glad that u r going to try to focus on healthy habits instead of weight. Give yourself time, and keep eating healthily and working out. I agree with Em, things will settle in for you soon. That tired thing must be hormonal and stress. I hope you get some rest too.


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