Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time flies

Geez time is flying past. We have our inlaws over from Melbourne at the moment and trying to keep Jay in a routine. I have stopped breast feeding due to some feeding issues and he is on the bottle and is a much more contented baby. What a difference. Now he feeds and sleeps and that is basically it, so much easier, plus hubby gets up for one feed in the night and I do the other and I can also go to the gym when I want.

I have really taken to motherhood and I love it!! I am not stressing about the 10 kilos I need to loose, my tummy has gone down it needs a little work but people have been saying I don't look like I had a baby 2 weeks ago so I'm happy with that. Like I said I can't do too much until my 6 week check up.

Haven't been to the gym today, my mother-in-law unfortunatley is not well and it is affecting us all. She is severly depressed and hasn't taken her medication but hubby managed to get her to see a doc today so she was able to get some medication so she is slightly better.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back at the gym

Yes from Monday, 1 week after giving birth I am finally back at the gym. I need it for my sanity and to get out of the house for an hour. Obviously I have to work around Jay but on Sunday night he slept from 9pm to 5am so after an hours feed I put him down and told hubby I was off to the gym. Yesterday he was a complete monster and wouldn't settle all day but I still managed to pop out around 10am for a weights session. Due to my heomarraging and how ill I was last week I'm not supposed to be doing much apart from walking or swimming, but I figured the cardio equipment at the gym is the same thing if I take it easy, and I'm also taking it easy with weights as my body just can't take too much but at least I am doing something every day. It is hard breastfeeding and although I and Jay have taken to it really easy I don't think I will be doing it for long. I need my life back and at the moment I am the only one that can feed him. As he was so unsettled yesterday and had diarrhea he was on the boob every hour so I just couldn't do anything. Poor thing had a stomach upset, but I know when I switch to the bottle at least hubby can feed him!! I won't be doing that for a while I'm going to try and give myself 4 weeks at least and see how I go.

I have quite a bit of weight to shift. My stomach hasn't gone down yet, but I'm not allowed to do ab work until after my 6 week check up but I am doing the core work the physio gave me, its not much but my tummy seems to be slowly shrinking. I only lost 4kg after giving birth which is basically the weight of the baby and the placenta. I have 10kgs to go but its hard to diet when breastfeeding, however I'm not eating badly. I think I will have to wait until he goes onto the bottle and after my 6 week checkup until I can go hard and heavy. My ligaments are still soft after the birth and it is still too easy to damage them as I found out yesterday doing lunges I have slightly pulled something. Anyway at least I'm doing something.

Gym will have to wait now until this afternoon as we are taking Jay into town to the office to show him off so I will try and get in a cardio session this afternoon.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jay Ryan

JAY RYAN ZAMMIT - our beautiful baby boy was welcomed into the world on Monday at 4.43am weighing 7lb 8 ounces. He arrived very quickly in 1hr 43 mins no time for drugs. I was actually surprised how easy it was however an hour after birth things turned to the worse and I nearly bled to death. I have only just arrived home after 4 blood transfusions and numerous hormones being pumped into my body. I have swelled up like a whale and it is going to take a good 6 months to get back to my normal self since all the blood loss. I am a bit teary today as he has been really good in hospital but I have been up all night with him as he won't settle.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I'm in early labour

That is what the midwife has told me. They hooked me up to a machine to check. I'm a bit in denial due to all the pains and cramps I have been having but these contractions started at about 7.00pm (it is now 2.40am), are quite painful but not painful enough to go to hospital. I managed to go to bed at 10.15pm probably due to the panadeine they gave me for my stabbing pains down below (this is because the head is so low it is causing me severe nerve pain, she said this is a good thing for birth as the contractions usually turn the head a little but mine is already there) and am now up again at 2.40am. I am hoping that this early stage won't disappear like poor Em's did, but for the time being although they are regular they are not getting closer together. Fingers crossed though by the end of today I will be further in labour as I don't think I can go the whole day like this! I will be so disappointed if they go! I find this whole thing quite bizarre actually.:)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I had my "show"

Well I had my "bloddy show" on Wednesday night and thought yippeee not long now. I was wrong. I am still here. Had bad contractions again last night and was in the bath at 11pm, but I'm still here. I phoned the midwife yesterday and she reckons it can take a few days after the show so she reckons by the end of the week. I had a strange feeling it would happen today and it is only the morning so will wait and see. I really don't think this baby wants to come out so I'm over worrying about it, just thought I would update on my progress.

Good Luck EM, can't wait to hear some more news!!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It WILL happen next week if not before

If baby doesn't arrive before my due date next week they will induce me. I had my appointment yesterday and begged the midwife to do something and she told me if I was private they could but as I was public they couldn't. Bummer. Anyhow, as I have had some leakage issues she said that would go in my favour to being induced. My next appointment is next Tuesday at 12pm with the doctor so hopefully if baby hasn't come by then she will induce me. I am secretly hoping she will say to me "no worries we will start you this afternoon" but I will have to wait and see. So on the bright side I only have 7 more days if not sooner of being like this. It's actually scaring me now I look at it like that. She did say to me though that my waters are bulging and when they go they will go, so again like last week could be anytime, I just wish it would hurry up. I'm sick of all the pains down there. The midwife did pick up on me having trouble to breathe and its not that the baby hasn't dropped cause it is as far down as can go, it seems that I am having a large baby for my size and its just taking up too much room so I find it hard to breathe.

Anyway enough baby talk. I'm going to the pool for a swim!!

EM: Sending you labour vibes I hope it happens for you soon. I tried the whole sex thing last week and nothing happened and to be honest it was so uncomfortable as there is just no room in there!! The other things they say is to take a LONG BRISK walk. Tried that to and nothing. Or walk up and down stairs sideways. I still have not tried this as I have no stairs but could be worth a go!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Up again at 4.30am not to mention all the times I am getting up in the night. I always think well at least I can nap during the day but whenever I try the baby seems to be in a position that makes me so uncomfortable I can't.

Yesterday was the first gym session I have missed since being pregnant. I actually thought my waters had broken and was advised by the midwife to go in and get checked as I wasn't sure. I tell you are bodies are strange things, so many different things can happen that make you believe your in labour and your not!! I went in and they seem to think that it is the hind waters that are leaking which apparently they do nothing about. I suppose I just have to keep my eye on it. I seem to be ok now, but am not allowed to swim for the next 2 days, so I have decided once it gets light I will go out for a walk. Don't know how long I will last as it is a bit difficult these days, but other than sex they reckon a brisk long walk or climbing stairs sideways will help bring on labour, I'm willing to try, besides it will be my exercise session for the day as I'm going out for breakfast. Seeing as I have been up since 4.30am and was starving I did have a piece of fruit toast with cottage cheese, there is no way I can hang on until 9.30am with nothing to eat!!