Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My appointment

Had my appointment yesterday and now instead of my due date being 14th February which was when I would have been 40weeks full term, they told me yesterday that I was 40 weeks and full-term due to my measurements. This is great!!! I feel one step closer! No wonder I feel so uncomfortable.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I need my body back..

I am so frustrated I just need my body back. I'm sick and tired of the pains, cramps, swollen feet etc etc the list just goes on and on.........................................................I shouldn't whinge as I know the best thing in my life is happening to me but its tough.

On a brighter note I completely cleaned out my wardrobe and have 2 large bin bags for the salvos. The plan is once I have bubs and loose all my weight I will be hitting the shops for some funky shoes and updated clothes. I am quietly confident it won't take me too long to get my bod back but then again I could be wrong. I have put on 13kgs with this pregnancy and I'm hoping alot of it is fluid, I know I am holding some as when you press my skin it leaves an indentation. As soon as I can I will be back at the gym. Still training every day, even with this heat at least I can swim!!:)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I feel amazing

As you know I thought the baby was coming Sunday. Monday I felt great just wanted to boogy on the dancefloor, had so much energy. Tuesday and Wednesday more cramps and pains and couldn't do a damn thing. Still trained at the gym but couldn't get through the whole workout. Thought after feeling this way I would have gone into labour by now, but no still hanging in there. Today woke up feeling amazing, like I was even pregnant. Got through my weights workout fairly easily and even completed an extra 20mins on the bike. I just want to dance!!! They do say you get a burst of energy for bubs comes so hopefully not to much longer. I don't think it would be a good look if I went to a club for a bit of a boogy do you???:)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I thought the baby was coming

Yesterday I had such a bad day. Stomach cramps all day and contraction like pains coming and going every 5 mins all afternoon. I seriously thought this was it, but after a good nights sleep all seems fine today. Hopefully though its not too far away.

Had a good cardio session this morning and went up the shops to get a few things and had a well needed massage. Will post an updated photo of what I look like soon. When I went for the massage the lady looked at me and said gee having a big baby and I just thought god I hope its not to big as I'm getting really anxious about pushing this out.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Gee Whiz

It was way too hot this weekend in Perth for a preggie woman!! I just can't take it. I swell up like a balloon and because bubs is squishing my diaphraghm I can't breathe......Oh well just to think in 4 weeks time or earlier it will all be over and I can start to do things I can't do now. I am finding it really tough now. The gym is hard work, in fact anything is hard work although I am perservering. I am getting stomach pains more often and my pelvis at night is just killing me. Hopefully this is a sign its close. I don't understand people who love being pregnant, but I really shouldn't complain as I have had a good pregnancy and I owe this to my fitness and exercise.

It is alot cooler today and will be for the rest of the week so I will try and get some more washing done. We are toying with the idea of moving but are so confused. We live in a good area which is only a couple of mins to the river, walking distance to garden city, 15 mins from city and 5 mins from Freo but to upgrade our house its going to cost us a fortune and then we still have to renovate to get what we want. The down side is although our house is beautiful it is small and I can only see us being able to stay here for a couple of years. The other option is we are thinking about Canning Vale. Further out, about 25mins to city and 30mins to beach and Freo, not within walking distance to anywhere, but can get a nice, big house with pool and spa with everything we want and also surrounded by young families, where we are at the moment is alot of older people. The only problem is we would feel financially like we are going backwards to a cheaper area. We have no idea what would be the best thing to do..................

Susan, if you are reading this I left a post on your blog but you can email me at sarjay76@yahoo.com


Monday, January 08, 2007

Another early morning

Yep up at 4.30am, restless leg syndrome again. Slept well Sunday night only because I was up ALL night on Saturday, just could not sleep. I reckon I will get more sleep at this rate when the baby is born.

Still hanging in there and training each morning, although I must say it is getting really difficult. I must look like an idiot riding the bike, I sort of have to ride it with my legs out to the side and even then my belly still gets in the way and bubs kicks like crazy. Mum reckons this baby is going to be born with muscles the rate I'm going. Today is weights. I got a response from this lady on my pregnancy blog cause I was saying I have put on 12kg so far (none in the past 7 weeks) but I have heaps and heaps of cellulite everywhere which I hate. She told me the same happened to her, she didn't put on heaps of weight but she had all this cellulite. "Apparently" it is your body storing fat for when the baby is born and once this happens it does disappear quite quickly. It had better!! I can only imagine how bad I would look if I didn't train!! and the worst thing is I mostly eat cottage cheese and oats for brekky, tuna and salad for lunch, meat/chicken and salad for dinner and snack on fruit! I don't consider this enough reason for cellulite!! Oh I do have one piece of chocolate every day, but one piece is not like a whole bar, just one measly square!

Enough whingeing better get my skates on to get to the gym, then I think I will try and hit the sack when I get back for a couple of hours before my girlfriend and her baby pop over for a coffee.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Yep, I've been tagged by Em so let's see how a go......

I can't believe I have been up since 4am and also had brekky so this will give me something to do before I head off to the gym and then come home and try to get some sleep.....

A - Available or single? Neither, married.
B - Best friend? Rachael, she lives in Melbourne though and I live in Perth.
C - Cake or Pie? Neither (boring I know!)
D - Drink of choice? Water, although something about me being preggie makes we want to drink diet lemonade and white choc frappes.
E - Essential item? My mobile phone, feel naked without it.
F - Favourite colour? Red
G - Gummi bears or worms? Definately worms!
H - Hometown? Perth
I - Indulgence? A nice glass of crisp white wine. AHHHHH
J - January or February? February as that is when bubs is due!!
K - Kids and names? No kids, one on the way, Jay for a boy or Maddison for a girl
L - Life is incomplete without? Exercise, have to have my daily fix, it rocks the world!
M - Marriage date? May 15th 2005
N - Number of siblings? 3, 1 younger sister and 2 older brothers
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples, can't be bothered with the mess of oranges
P - Phobias/Fears? Fear of getting fat if I don't train or eat wrong and also insects. Yuk!
Q - Favourite Quote? Need to find one
R - Reason to Smile? Being alive and healthy
S - Season? Definately summer, I can't stand the cold!
T - Tag 3 people? Rachael, Louisa and Tracey (3 of my friends who don't blog)
U - Unknown fact about me? Used to be a size 14 when I was about 16 and before I discovered fitness
V - Vegetable you hate? I actually don't have one!
W - Worst habit? Opening my mouth before I think
X - X-rays you've had? Arm, foot and a whole body one after I had my car accident
Y - Your favourite food? Oats and cottage cheese (how sad is that!)
Z - Zodiac? Leo!!

Yeah, half hour to go until the gym opens. I can't wait to have bubs so at least when I do go to bed I can get comfortable, this is driving me crazy!!