Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hormone inbalance

Looking into a few things at the moment but there is a big possibility I have hormone inbalance and thryroid issues. This will take a while to investigate but I'm hoping it will give me a solution. I have found out that I can't have any dairy which will be a big change for me as I love my cottage cheese, so my brekkie of oats and cottage cheese is a bit no no. I also can't have soy or any protein shakes unless they are rice based, so if anyone has any meal/recipe ideas please let me know. I have been having oats with egg whites for brekkie but this is getting boring. Related to all of this is blood sugar issues so just trying to limit my sugar. This is why all I have been thinking about lately is eating and am having huge issues saying no to 'bad' food like chocolate, cake etc. Once I get my diet under control it should be alot easier. I get my hormones tested at the end of the month so probably won't get the results in until 2nd week of December as it comes from Melbourne.

Enough about that, going back to work beginning of January and I just don't want to go. I don't have to but part of me feels as its only a 5 day fortnight with the 3rd day working at home I should give it a try. I just love staying at home and watching Jay grow up and learn and I feel like I will be missing out on some of it, but then when I talk to people it is only really 2 days a week, and they tell me Jay will love day care for those days. They do teach them quite a bit so I'm hoping he will. I think its just the thought of going back that scares me. Jay still gets up once a night and hubby works funny hours and I just don't want to feel tired and stressed. I'm also trying for number 2, heaven help me, but I suppose I can only give it a go. You never know it may give me a nice balance and may be good for Jay to not always have mummy around.


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Em said...

Hi there hun :)
Sorry to hear that your having trouble with hormones, I hope these tests help solve your health issues hun :)
Daycare is wonderful, its hard to find just the right one but when you do you will be fine, Believe it or not the whole daycare process is harder for mums than it is the child i was very lost when i started taking jasmine to daycare i felt like i had forgotten something all day but it got easier :)
My best advice is having a good relationship with the daycare workers and ask as many questions as you want they will help ease the transition for you hun :)

It's funny you saying you want to start on number 2, i've been thinking number 3 much to hubbies unknowing :)
Goodluck hun:)

At 2:21 AM, Blogger little rene said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog Sarah. It is nice to have so much support :)

I am hearing you on the work issue. I haven't even had the baby yet and I am already stressing about it!

I just worry that I won't be able to fit it all in and I won't do a good job wherever I am: work or home!

We have a tough lot in life us chicks don't we? LOL! My husband just can't see why I am worried about it all, he just seems to think it will all fall into place. Lets just hope he is right :)

Hope you find a solution to the hormone issue soon :)


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