Thursday, October 04, 2007

Back in my size 8 jeans

Yes just a quick post to say I'm back in my size 8 jeans. Never thought i would make it there, diet hasn't been strict just healthy with a few wines here and there and a few bits of choccie here and there, but it just shows I can do it without having to be so strict. I'm not saying I have a hot bod or anything as i would definatley like to improve my shape but hey i have lost 17 kilos since giving birth and only 2 kilos away from pre-pregnancy so I'm in a happy place. Changed my program last week and just doing exercises using the fitball which is completly different to my heavy weights, but I didn't realise what a challenge it would be. Started a week ago and lost 1 kilo this week so it must be working....


At 10:06 PM, Blogger Sam D-M said...

Hey Sarah,

Found you through Rae's blog. Great to hear you are doing so well. Since I saw you last I am 13weeks pregnant, so I might be asking you for advice about loosing all the weight :-)

Take care and hopefully I will see you down the gym again soon.



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