Sunday, July 01, 2007

I'm back

I'm back. Had a great time, but very busy. Jay was so well behaved. He travelled so well and we were out all day every day and he was just so good. If he got tired I would just put him to sleep at our friends or in the pram. He loved sleeping in the portacot thank god. It is good to be home though it was very cold and of course I couldn't go to the gym so 3 weeks of not doing anything but walking. I did however loose 1kg which was surprising as we ate quite alot and of course indulged in some nice wine. I am now 61kg, I have 6kg to go to get back to my prepregnancy weight. I am not to worried about it though as I have decided not to be too strict on myself. I do love food and for so many years I have always worried about what goes in my mouth so I am not going to be pedantic. I never ate sandwiches it was always a salad but hey if I have a sandwich as long as its healthy who cares. I train every day and at the moment I am just worrying about portion control and see where we go from there. I have too many other things to worry about that being too strict. On the flip side, we have decided that beginning next year we will try for number 2. Get it over and done with I say.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger SusanH said...

Welcome back. Glad to hear that Jay was a good baby. I agree on working on #2 fairly close to #1, we are already considering that, but we'll c how it goes. :)


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