Wednesday, April 30, 2008

All gone

Gee I had all my hair chopped off last week.  I was so sick and tired of it.  This pregnancy has made it go all horrible, just frizzy so chopped it all off short, like a short bob to start again.  I don't like it though, hopefully it won't take too long to grow, the only good thing about it is it doesn't take long to do and it does feel much better.  Other people seem to like it so maybe its just me.

Just started to eat a bit healthier today.  If i keep going the way I'm going I will put on heaps of weight and it will just take me longer to take it off.  Today was the first good day so lets see it I can keep it going at least 90% of the time.

I have had a terrible cold the last few days.  No training.  It's been hell.  I always seem to get sick heaps when I'm pregnant, anyway just starting to feel better so am going to see if I can do some spinning after home and away.

I've decided once I've had this baby I am going to spend about $1000 of the baby bonus on me, yes thats right, me, getting my body back to pre-pregnancy shape with the use of an online trainer.  The rest will be put into an account for bubs.  I think I deserve to spend a little on me!

On other news, Jay is walking everywhere now.  It's so nice to see him running around.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Congratulations Ssam


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Family.

This was actually taken back in January/February so its a little old.

I tried quinoa today, served it with a chicken casserole.  Hubby asked what it was and I just said its like cous cous.  Think I will be using more of it as its quite healthy and also a good source of protein.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My little boy in hospital

WOW what a horrible week I've just had.  Jay came down with a high temp on Sunday night and I took him to the doc on Monday morning and again Monday afternoon.  He just got worse and worse and by early Tuesday morning I took him to Armadale hospital.  To cut a long story short we were admitted Tuesday and stayed in until Friday lunch time.  He had a very bad virus.  Basically his temp was so high and he would just lye there not moving or anything.  It was very sad to see.  He had a tube up his nose as he wouldn't eat or drink.  Finally on Thursday night he broke out in a rash everywhere and his temp went down.  I'm still struggling to get him to eat or drink but he is much better and thank god we both had a good nights sleep last night.

So no training all week and not eating the best, I need to get back on top of it.  The other thing is the gym creche is fully booked all next week so although I can train at home its just finding the time and the time is when Jay is in bed, and being pregnant by this time of night I am just exhausted.

On another note I have hit the 12 week mark so feeling better about the whole thing.  Go for my scan in a week so after that I will feel even more better knowing there is actually a baby inside me as I haven't seen it yet.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Warning - a grumpy post

I'm feeling really grumpy today.  Everything seems to be getting to me.  I am definitely finding pregnancy harder this time around already having a little one.  Jay has started to chuck tantrums and I'm just so tired and sore I don't want to deal with it.  I'm not eating properly which is also getting me down.  I can't face fruit and veg at the moment and just want to eat carbs so this coupled with the pregnancy is giving me no energy.  I battle to get through the day.  If I don't go to or can't get to I should say the gym in the morning I think I will make up for it when Jay goes to bed, but I'm so damn tired I just can't do it.  I'm also grumpy because my body has already changed.  I'm like 11 weeks pregnant looking 5 months pregnant.  My belly button has already popped out and it never did with Jay.  Give me a few more weeks I know I should start feeling better and will accept my body.  I'm already trying to think of ideas on how and what I will do to loose the weight after and we are talking October!!  With Jay it didn't bother me so much and the weight fell off plus more.  I suppose I just feel that my body got back better than before and now its just gone blah again.  My boobs are also huge and although after my breeding days are over I want implants these boobs make me feel like a cow and they are so sore.

I think what I need is a good massage or a facial or something, or maybe just a sleep in.  I need good food to, I'm just so damn hungry all the time.!!!!

Sorry for the whinge, hubby works most weekends and weekend nights and I think I'm just feeling lonely.....