Monday, December 24, 2007

Recent pics

My how we are growing quickly.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bodybuilding pensioners

Yes that is what I watched last night on foxtel and it was amazing. Some of these guys and women were over 80 yet looked only 40. They were in great shape I just couldn't believe it. My eyes were glued to the tv for an hour. I did take a pic of one of the guys, he was 60 and he was hot, I can't believe I'm saying that, he looked like 30 and was so solid all over, I can't post the pic cause I can't get it off my phone.

Well before I make any final decisions I have decided to give the whole work thing a practice go. Well not the work side of it, but the getting to work side of it, so Jay is in daycare tomorrow, I will get up like I am going to work, get him ready drop him off, find a train station and get into town by 9.00am. This way I can see how I feel about the whole thing. Jay also needs some other stimulation as mummy can only play with him for so long....and I do need to get things done. This will be a test for me and I am also meeting my boss and just having a good talk with him and being open about it all. It is looking more positive though now.

My new gym is being delivered tomorrow and I can't wait. This weeks training will be all over the place as the in-laws arrive tomorrow and then we are going down south for a few days so I'm not going to worry if I don't get it all done as next week is another week. I read an interesting book last night and yes I read it all in one night, the 5 factor fitness. I'm not sure about the results you could get from a 25 minute workout, but I may give it a go and just up the ante to make it an hour. They reckon it works but I did purchase it mainly for the diet side of it and am going to once the in-laws leave stick to it. I am spending an hour and a half in the gym and I really can't afford to especially if I go back to work.

Had a lovely lunch with Sam on Saturday. Here's crossing my fingers you have a little one with blue eyes:) and she looks great. It was good to catch up and time just went so fast. Hope you have a good trip away and I will catch up with you in the new year.

On another note, got my period so will have to try again next month.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Busy week...

I just can't get over how much time flies. Had a scan yesterday on my ovaries to check everything is ok as I wasn't ovulating but it appears that I have recently ovulated which is good news so putting two and two together if I haven't had my period by xmas I have to do a pregnancy test. Fingers crossed. I hate the whole pregnancy thing, and after just about getting my figure back after 9 months everyone is probably thinking why bother but that was the whole purpose of getting my fitness and figure back as they reckon its harder to do the second time around. I will let you know in due course.......

My home gym gets delivered on Tuesday so I'm excited about that, and I also get to go to lunch with the gorgeous pregnant Sam tomorrow who gets to meet my little man, so looking forward to that.

Other news is I am seriously thinking of calling my old boss and having a chat with him and telling him I am just not ready to go back to work and if I loose my job well so be it. At this moment in time Jay is more important and I'm just not ready to loose that all important time with him even if its just a couple of days. I am also looking into other prospects which allow me to work from home. I just need the guts to call him and sort it out, and with the in-laws arriving beginning next week and not going until I'm due back at work doesn't look promising.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Running late

For the gym that is. Its 8.35am and Jay was supposed to be at the gym creche 5 mins ago, but he is still in bed. He hasn't been well all week so the sleep in will do him good. He did get up at 6.45am and I fed him and did consider keeping him up but thought I would try and put him down again, after all sleep ins for him mean sleep ins for me. He did go down but I did some chores as I thought no point going back to bed as I have to head to the gym. Looks like I'm going to have to cancel as we have to be a gymbaroo for Jay at 11.30am and by the time he gets up has breakfast I just won't be able to get to the gym, home, shower, organise him. This is why I am getting my home gym things are just so unpredictable. I have also had a bad week training wise. Did weights Monday, Tuesday, but Wednesday and yesterday I was not well, in fact haven't been the best all week seems like its some sort of gastro thing. I actually thought maybe I was pregnant as I felt exactly the same way the first time but have done a test and its negative so must not be that. Maybe I should just write this week off as a bit of a rest week.

Still having negative issues about going back to work. Like I've mentioned in previous posts its just the whole working in the city thing is not really convenient for me right now especially as where I live I need to drive at least 10 mins to park the car before I even catch public transport. Sorry about the whinge but I just don't know what to do. I really wanted to do a personal training course but its too expensive for us, so second choice was a makeup course so I could do bridal makeup on the weekends. The only problem is the course is run when I work and I can't do evenings cause of Jay and if I'm working there is no way I'm going to do Saturday and miss even more time with Jay. What a dilemma?? Think I better go and ring the gym and cancel. I had to have Jay in early as they were fully booked from 9.30am. Bugger.