Now this is a pic of my tummy at nearly 17 weeks, just realised I have put on more weight than I thought but hey I lost it with Jay and I had put on heaps with him at this stage, I have put on about 4 kgs so far. I will be looking into getting an online trainer once I give birth to kick start the process. The one good thing is my boobs have gone from an A to a D!! Will also be looking into and this will be at least a year down the track, getting boobs and perhaps some lipo suction as it doesn't seem to matter how hard I train my butt I can't loose the saddle bags on the thighs. Will see how the online training goes first. Thinking of Liz. The next pic is of my hair cut which I hate.
I need to change my gym program but the doc won't give me a letter so one of the personal trainers can give me a new program so I'm a bit stuck for ideas and getting very bored.
Poor Jay has had another temperature the last 2 days, I hope he is well soon as we fly to Melbourne on Sunday. Hubby gave me a pregnancy massage voucher for mothers day so tomorrow I am going to totally enjoy that. I was lucky Jay slept for 2 hours this afternoon and so did I. Since being pregnant I am finding I really need these nanna naps, I'm not sleeping well at night I can't seem to get comfortable.
I need a jolly good pamper
I just need some time out. Hubby has been working heaps of shifts and Jay has really taken it out of me. He has been coughing so much at night for about a month and a half now. When he went into hospital for 4 days they said there was nothing wrong in respect to his chest and his cough. After numerous visits to the doc finally his chest x-ray shows up a chest infection and brochilitis. He is on antibiotics and I hope they kick in soon. All this coughing at night is obviously not making him or I sleep well and he has been so cranky now for about 4 days, has a really bad attitude and throws tantrums. I'm hoping this is to do with not sleeping well and the coughing, not him growing into a little terror. I just need a day on my own to do well I don't know have a pamper or something.
I know he can't help it but it does get frustrating.
On another note I felt baby move last week for the first time and it seems to be quite early to me but can now feel it moving around everywhere. With Jay he would move around all day and was quiet at night. Kind of how he turned out really. This one seems to be quiet during the day and moves all the time at night. I hope that doesn't mean its going to be up all night!! Time is going fast though, can't believe I'm at 16 weeks and its only just clicking in that I'm pregnant. When we get back from Melbourne we will be able to find out what I'm having. I can't wait. Off to Melbourne next Sunday for 2 1/2 weeks!!
I still hate my hair cut!!