Friday, March 24, 2006

Done & Dusted

That's me done and dusted for today. Just complete my 45 mins of cardio and 1 hours of bi's/tri's and abs and have just finished brekky, salmon and veggie omelette with a splash of sweet chilli sauce, yummo!!

I am going shopping with mum this morning to get a few bits and pieces before we fly out tonight, got to take the animals to the kennels, clean up, pack and hopefully get a nanna nap in as we are flying out on the midnight horror. I have just got pasta on the stove and am going to make some chilli con carne (hubby worked night shift last night and I need to use up some of the things in the fridge before we leave) so I'm sure he will be happy with that. Myself, looks like I will be having omelettes all day as I have some unused egg whites in the fridge and again I don't want to throw them away.

I still don't know how to use this blog correctly so when I get back I think I need to have a chat to Rae. Next time I post will be in a weeks time.


Well this is all new to me. I am a friend of Rae's and am contanstly reading various people's blogs so I thought it is just about time I signed in. I used to post on bodyblog but have decided to give this one ago. I have alot to learn about it, how do you get your personal profile up on your page?

A little a bit about me..................I have been training since I was about 17 (now 29) and absouletly lurve the gym, a gym junkie I'm afraid and on the whole I eat quite well, let's just say better than alot of people but there is definatley room for improvement. I am not where I would like to be and would like to strive for a whole lot more. One day I would like to compete just to say I have done it and can do it. I started to get serious about it a few months ago but also struggled with the fact I am trying to get pregnant and unfortunatley you cannot have 2 goals like these at the same time. I don't think it would be a wise idea to try and get as lean as possible aswell as trying to get pregnant. So for the time being I am trying to find that balance of re-shaping my body, eating healthy and training without going to drastic measures. I do want to be a buff mummy. The idea being once I have my first child to go back to having a coach and reach that goal of competing. However, I still would like to lean up and muscle up and am close to going back to coach instead of sitting here waiting to get pregnant (coach if you are reading this I may be back on your doorstep soon! that is if you want me back).

Tomorrow hubby and me are off to Melbourne for a week. Hubby is from Melbourne, I am from Perth and I moved to Melbourne back in Feb last year but was able to drag him back to Perth in October to live, so this will be a week of catching up with his family and friends and going to a wedding. Unfortunate for me his mum and dad live in the country and there is no gym nearby. I am not a runner so the best I can do is try to go for a powerwalk each day and use some elastic bands for some quick resistance exercise. Diet won't be to plan either, so the best I will do there is to be not so strict for 1 week but just try to eat good quaity food as much as I can. I will purchase some protein powder so at least I can use that to snack on and even make smoothies for brekky.

Anyway I better stop babbling, I will post again tomorrow but then I won't be able to post until I get back from Melbourne and then it will be Operation blast off, back on track with nutrition and training!!
