Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh Gee............

What's been happening?  Mum has had her cancer removed, still waiting for results of the spots on the lungs but she will be having chemo for the next 6 months but only once every 3 weeks so hopefully fingers crossed things will be ok.  She is being really positive and looks well which is good.

I have been in Freo hospital the last 2 days with Bailey and his constipation, more so for observation.  They sent me home yesterday as Bailey was so good while we were in there but I'm at my wits end.  Call it a mothers intuition but I know there is more to it than an unsettled baby.  He has no sleep and when I do manage to get him settled its like he squirms in his cot every 5 mins with a look of pain on his face.  I have called the hospital back today and told them I'm not happy and I know there is more to it so just waiting for the doctors to call me back.  We have made an appointment with our doctor so I can get a referral to another pediatrician for a second opinion and also just to see what the GP has to say.  I am also going to make an appointment with an osteopath as I have heard they can do wonders.  I'm up for anything at this stage and need to get this sorted.  I am also going to ring Kalyeeya back and make an appointment with their peditatrian for a 3rd opinion as I know there is a waiting list to see mine and I can't wait that long.  I am on a mission.  The poor little thing I still reckon he has reflux as I can see the signs just like I diagnosed Jay with it.

I need this to get sorted as he needs his sleep as well as me and hubby.  I reckon he is sleeping all of 4 hours over a total of 24 hour period and I know he really wants to he is just in pain.  At the hospital they reckon he is just sorting himself out and it will die down but I don't think so, babies are smart creatures and I know he is uncomfortable not just trying it on.  

If anyone has any other ideas please let me know.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yep, Bailey is really keeping me sleep deprived.  It can only get better though I keep reminding myself that!!  He did sleep through only getting up once last night but I'm not surprised as the poor thing is constipated so the night before he was up all night and all day yesterday.  I hate seeing him in pain.  We have changed his formula and are giving him drops for consitpation.  No change yet, will try some prune juice later and see how that goes.  I am hoping for a change some time today or tomorrow.

On top of that I am really sick.  Came down with this cold/flu thing and can't stop coughing.  Had it for a week now and went to the doc's yesterday for some antibiotics.  I think the lack of sleep and what is going on with mum has caused this.

Well one more week off and then back to the gym for me.  It is going to be so hard to get into a routine until Bailey gets into some sort of routine but I am just going to have to be flexible about the whole thing, its just hard to think of training in the evening when you are so darn tired from just a couple of hours sleep each night, but I think getting back to the gym will do me good.  I have 9 kilos to loose.  I also need to find a trainer or online trainer before next Monday to really get my arse into gear.

Got a makeup job today and have to take Bailey as originally mum was going to look after him but she is in hospital so I just hope he sleeps the whole time.  Fingers crossed.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

My boys

These are my 2 boys.

Bailey has settled more at least now he is sleeping a few hours at night.  It was so different with Jay he only woke twice a night right from newborn.  You forget what is like and how different each baby can be.  Anyway only breastfeeding a little bit mainly the bottle now my boobs just can't cope with it.

Will get back to the gym in 4 weeks.  Two weeks down, two weeks to go.  I have been trying to walk a little each day but the weather has been crap and to be honest I am just so tired after chasing a toddler around plus looking after the baby.  Once he has settled into a better routine and my body gets used to being without carrying a baby I should be fine.

Also just found out mum has cancer so i am beside myself at the moment.  I am emotional anyway after having a baby and this just tops it off.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

7lb 15 - Bailey Ryan

Hi just a quick one to let you know that Bailey Ryan Zammit was born on Tuesday 28th October at 9.02am weighing 7lb 15.  Birth went well managed with just the gas although it was very painful.  I am glad I won't be going through that again.  It was a 5 hour labour then 2 quick easy pushes and he was out.

Been having a few hard days as I am not producing enough milk and my poor little boy was not getting enough food.  Now I am topping up with formula he is doing well.