Sunday, June 15, 2008

My little boy growing up so fast.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

We're back

Oh god it is nice to be back home.  We had a good time but its nice to be in my own bed.  We had the child from hell travelling on the plane, he screamed the whole way there and chucked tantrums.  It was because he was overtired.  He wasn't too bad on the way home, we let him play on the floor but at this age they just don't want to sit on mummy and daddy's lap they want to run.......

Well half way through my pregnancy, still been eating crap especially while away I really need to get on top of this.  I need a plan.  I'm better to sticking to something that is written down rather than just saying oh I will eat better.

I had my scan yesterday all is good.  We are having another little boy.  So 2 boys.  No more for me, will be getting my body back and my life.  Trying to think of some names, the only one we can agree on so far is Bailey but I'm not convinced.

I powerwalked every day the whole time we were away so I am pleased with my effort in that department.  Started back at the gym on Wednesday and my legs are so sore.  Need to train today but woke up with a terrible headache.  I have been getting these alot this pregnancy and I just can't do it today.  Jay is in daycare and I'm going to do nothing today.  Housework can wait.  I'm going to bludge.  I really need it.